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Land plots without planning permission

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have you actually been to look at this land?


google maps and similar are not a replacement for actually standing on it and sinking in up to your knees because its actually a piece of marshland.


what are you hoping to achieve from your investment?


as others have said a developer wanting to develop the area is going to have to negotiate with dozens of other people to obtain the land and it probably won't be worth their effort to do so.


even if you wanted to do a "grand designs" self build on the site, would you get planning permission? you would have to negotiate with at least some of the owners for permission to run the services across their land and to get a right of way for you to be able to get to and from your bit.


the link to the map seems to be a field in the middle of nowhere so I would guess that the costs of getting the various water, gas and electric companies to connect your services is going to be substantial.


if you don't want to build on it, then what are you going to do with it?


to farm it, you would probably need to get some sort of agreement with the other owners to farm the whole field and then find a farmer to rent it. I guess you could turn it into an allotment though sheffield-devon is a bit far to go to grow your own potatoes.

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I'm sure that you could do searches for planning applications made around the locality to see what had been approved and what had been declined to at least inform you of whether there's a good/possible/no hope chance of getting planning permission for any plot, but even that's not guaranteed to allow you to build a home in the end.


If you have the money to buy the plot and not mind losing the money because it turns out that you won't ever get permission to build on it then that's one thing, but if you're a mere mortal with mere mortal income then that could be a truly debilitating loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

and then there's what happened to a member of my familly.

He owned a piece of land, coudn't get planning permission, turned out it was being blocked by a local councillor (this was not in Sheffield BTW) claiming any building on the land would spoil the view from his house even though the plot of land was next door and not opposite.

My relative sold his land, shortly after which planning permission was granted to the new owner. The new owner turned out to be, yes you've guessed it, the local councillor.

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