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Been Eating MacDonalds All Week. The Aftermath.

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Had a few quid spare, so I thought what the heck. Very friendly on the drive thru, lots of 'Hello's' and 'Would you like that large' type comments. I enjoyed it. But, on reflection, I've now gone up a jeans size and feel more lazy than ever. I just feel fatter and slowed down for some reason. My health style is pretty bad as it is, but having done this for 6 days in a row has proper made me question what I eat.


Anybody go OTT on Maccys, and how do you feel?

McDomald's and many other fast food chains have the American traveller in mind. When you're on a drive, perhaps about 1000 miles or so, you want something quick, easy amd palatable to a degree that you know anywhere in the US. Mickeys have so mesmerized the kids, that to them its a banquet. I eat there when i go out on a job, normally just for breakfast because their coffee is first rate, and their burritos aren't too bad either. But I would never take my wife there for dinner or treat my friends there. With the grandkids I take them to Friendly's or Bob Evans, neither of which are available in the UK.:)
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Like my great aunt Thelma's banana pudding, McDonalds tastes good going down, but I feel horrible afterwards.




In n Out have great burgers!! Love them! It's chain in the western US. Everything is fresh and nothing is cooked until you order it, they're the best. :)

The best burgers I ever tasted were in Montreal at Harvey's burgers, when you ordered your burger it was grilled on an open flame, then you followed it down the line while they put on it whatever you wanted, always fresh veggies and sauces.If it hadn't been as good as it was they would not have survived in a city of gourmets like Montreal.
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Well, if your convinced thats ok, I want something a bit more scientific.


BTW organic famers do use pesticides, but they use "natural" ones, which sounds quite nice, but some of the stuff they use is just as toxic as the man-made ones.


you mean a scientific study sponsored by unilever or something:hihi:?


It is scientific, you purposefully spray something with poison versus plant uptake from the soil (which happens in both organic and none organic food). You can assume the uptake is pretty much constant (dependent on pollution levels in that area).

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you mean a scientific study sponsored by unilever or something:hihi:?


It is scientific, you purposefully spray something with poison versus plant uptake from the soil (which happens in both organic and none organic food). You can assume the uptake is pretty much constant (dependent on pollution levels in that area).


The difference is purposefully spraying something with a poison that says 'organic' on the label, or spraying it with a different poison.


Natural extracts of plants like derris, which contains the insecticide rotenone, and pyrethrum plants (Chrysanthemums) that contain pyrethrins, developed in the mid-nineteenth century, are still used, as is nicotine extracted from tobacco plants.



Those are still potent poisons, whether they're organic or not.

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It doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship (even if the diet is), there are not many situations where one adult should be telling another what they can and can't do.


well it is! I could not be with anyone that would eat torture foods and he is happy with that. He gets better food and is perfectly happy with it.


Don't kid yourself that any relationship is free from one adult telling the other what to do. Every relationship involves compromise and that's what we do.


Do you think I care in any way what you think of my relationship, oh no someone completely ignorant of my life is judging me I'd better change my ways:loopy::hihi:

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