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Been Eating MacDonalds All Week. The Aftermath.

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Oh god, Wimpys makes a burger van look like high cusine. The point I'm making is that Maccys in the UK appears to have many repeat visits per week. Which, following from some of the comments in this very thread, means we are all doing the wrong thing for our own heath.

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Oh god, Wimpys makes a burger van look like high cusine. The point I'm making is that Maccys in the UK appears to have many repeat visits per week. Which, following from some of the comments in this very thread, means we are all doing the wrong thing for our own heath.
I unintentionally got a waiter fired while staying at a so called upscale hotel in Chesterfield with my wife and two of my American sons. We were sat at dinner ordering from the menu. David, my elder son didn't see burgers on the menu, so quite naturally asked the waiter if he could get one. The waiter glared down at him as if he was Yankeee trash and said " If you want a burger go to Wimpy's! " Whereupon I let him have it. This brought the Maitre D up, who promptly told the waiter to get his cards. I didn't intend for that to happen, but we're not used to discourteous service in America. As I recall, restaurant service in UK carries a 15% mandatory tip. No such thing in America. If you want to be tipped enough, you had better be civil, and most, especially our waitresses, usually are anyway.
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... As I recall, restaurant service in UK carries a 15% mandatory tip. No such thing in America. If you want to be tipped enough, you had better be civil, and most, especially our waitresses, usually are anyway.


That may be another British import coming your way:(. I saw it fairly frequently in Florida during the past few weeks. - I soon learned to check the bill before pulling out money for a tip.

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That may be another British import coming your way:(. I saw it fairly frequently in Florida during the past few weeks. - I soon learned to check the bill before pulling out money for a tip.


I've seen that quite a few times in America, especially at resorts like Myrtle Beach. I think most people don't notice, the Americans certainly didn't seem to, but I always check the bill.


I don't know what the situation is in America, but in this country I always demand they remove the charge (as they have no right to add it and you don't have to pay it) and then leave no tip.

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Oooh, that sounds divine!! I know it's feeding my food tampering paranoia, but on the rare occasions I eat fast food ( Jack in the Box tacos), I always go inside so I can watch them make it right in front of me. These things are everything a good taco shouldn't be. They're fried, mostly premade, they have american cheese, sacrilege! The meat (if you can even call it meat) is processed, God knows what it's really made of. But boy, they are addictive. And at 2/$1. I buy a whole bagfull to share the love.


I know you've spent time in the Bay Area. Ever eat at Zim's ? When I was about ten, my uncle bet me I couldn't finish one of their milkshakes. I did, but dear God! The stomachache wasn't worth it.

I'm sorry to say I ate mostly at a British pub in Cupertino, where there were a whole bunch of illegal Brit programmers who had lost their jobs in Silicon Valley. All living on their wits doing landscaping and roofing under the table.The fish and chips, and steak puddings were like home. I was with a group of people learning system maitenance at a company there. We were all dressed in suits and ties for a reception by the CEO, and afterwards went to the pub for a few beers. The illegals, thinking we were INS agents or FBI got the hell out of there in a hurry.
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I've traveled extensively in the southwest and northwest areas of the US and I've never seen a mandatory tip added to any restaurant bill. I certainly wouldn't tip anyone in a fast food restaurant since they do nothing for me except cook up the food and call out my pickup number when it's ready.

There are gratuity charges quite often added to the bill in the 4 and 5 star hotels though. The chain hotels like Best Western, Holiday Inn and Comfort Suites leave little envelopes on the tables if you care to tip for house keeping and other room service but that's not mandatory.

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I'm sorry to say I ate mostly at a British pub in Cupertino, where there were a whole bunch of illegal Brit programmers who had lost their jobs in Silicon Valley. All living on their wits doing landscaping and roofing under the table.The fish and chips, and steak puddings were like home. I was with a group of people learning system maitenance at a company there. We were all dressed in suits and ties for a reception by the CEO, and afterwards went to the pub for a few beers. The illegals, thinking we were INS agents or FBI got the hell out of there in a hurry.


I actually saw quite a bit of this myself, both when I was growing up in the Bay Area and as a young adult. When people think of illegals, they naturally think Mexican, Salvadoran, Guatamalan, etc. The 'white' illegals do better. They can usually speak the language and can 'hide in plain sight', so to speak.


I once worked with two Irish girls (we were all waitresses at a steak house) who cheerfully exploited their nationality (and played up the accents) to clean up on tips. And boy, did they ever. Customers loved them. They were all Irish, so unlike most of us mongrels. :D They had both come to the US on student visas and just never left. One of them confessed to me their immigration status, though I'd have never ratted them out. All I could think of was if my great, great, great,whatever grandfather hadn't left Ireland, that might've been me. I know one married an American and the other left for a better job. Hope they're both doing ok. :)

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