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Been Eating MacDonalds All Week. The Aftermath.

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I've only ever seen that in the USA. Restaurant staff get wages in this country.
Nobody said they didn't get wages in the US. Slavery was banned years ago, but they have to earn their tips the old fashioned way, with hard work and a smile.
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Oh boy, how do you check it? Is there DIY kits, sorry, google broken again.


I get mine checked during my annual physical. They do it by drawing a blood sample. I dont know if there are any DIY kits available.


Here's a more detailed guidline though.


Normal level is between 160 to 200. A little over 200 is considered borderline.

Up around 240 plus is considered too high.


HDL (The good cholesterol) should be 45 or more

LDL (The bad cholesterol) should be under 120 or ideally under 100.


Next time you see your doc ask him to to do a check on it for you if you think it might be high.


Eating at places like McDs on a regular basis is one way to increase the level though and you dont need blocked arteries that's for sure

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As I recall, restaurant service in UK carries a 15% mandatory tip. No such thing in America. If you want to be tipped enough, you had better be civil, and most, especially our waitresses, usually are anyway.


For large groups the tip is often added to the bill, but it isn't compulsory and you can decline to pay it. I've done that before (only once) with a group of 20 people where the service was abysmal. They argued the toss with us, but they didn't get the service charge.

In fact, if a meal is so far below what you were expecting that you judge it not to be worth the price, you can pay whatever it is worth, leave your name and address and they can't complain (although they can choose to make a court claim against you, hence leaving your name and address). I've done that before as well where the food was inedible due to being salty.

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who do you think unilever employ to back up their claims?


Ok I get it, you're on some kind of "Unilever is evil and they eat babies" thing but there are independant scientists that publish in scientific journals unconnected with any organisation.


No doubt the organic crew get scientists to back-up their sometimes flimsy claims too (or are they above that kind of thing) ?

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Ok I get it, you're on some kind of "Unilever is evil and they eat babies" thing but there are independant scientists that publish in scientific journals unconnected with any organisation.


No doubt the organic crew get scientists to back-up their sometimes flimsy claims too (or are they above that kind of thing) ?


No I just know that it is often easy to manipulate statistics. That's why independent studies are commissioned.

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