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Been Eating MacDonalds All Week. The Aftermath.

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Yes it is, some of the claims made for organic produce don't seem to have any independant scientific proof behind them.


I am not claiming the pro organic ones don't have an agenda. I am saying there is loads of conflicting "evidence" but with common sense its obvious that something sprayed with a pesticide will have more pesticides on it than something grown a certain distance away from any pesticides.

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Oh boy, how do you check it? Is there DIY kits, sorry, google broken again.


I think you can get your cholesterol checked at a pharmacy, along with blood pressure checks, etc. If not, the nurse at your GP surgery will do it.


Ignore the numbers that Harleyman gave you, Americans use a different scale to the rest of the world.

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with common sense its obvious that something sprayed with a pesticide will have more pesticides on it than something grown a certain distance away from any pesticides.


But what I'm saying is that organic stuff IS sprayed with pesticides, just not the man-made variety, if it wasn't most of the crop would get eaten by bugs etc. and there would be nothing to sell.

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Ok I get it, you're on some kind of "Unilever is evil and they eat babies" thing but there are independant scientists that publish in scientific journals unconnected with any organisation.


Who pays these scientists? No such thing as an independent scientist really. Scientists paid by Unilever can publish in independent scientific journals too.

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But what I'm saying is that organic stuff IS sprayed with pesticides, just not the man-made variety, if it wasn't most of the crop would get eaten by bugs etc. and there would be nothing to sell.


Exactly, I tried saying that days ago, it still hasn't sunk in yet. They just have a different label on the organic pesticides & they have to use them to make a profit, otherwise the whole crop could be lost to pests.


They're still spraying it with very poisonous chemicals, they're just organic ones.

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When I was in the construction business myself and the crew, 15 of us went to eat lunch at a restaurant in Pasadena. The waitress arrived and we all gave her our orders. She didnt write any of it down. I asked how she would be able to remembe all that and she said

"It's okay hon, I dont need to"


Everyone one of us was served with exactly what we had ordered and without a single mistake.

The woman had a fantastic memory. I think she got the largest tip we ever gave not only for the service but out of sheer admiration for her.

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I'm not suprised.


I'm not sure what the problem is with MSG though, it's naturaly occuring in soy sauce (and loads of other stuff) but you don't see millions of Asian people dropping dead from consuming it, which you would expect after reading that.

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