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Been Eating MacDonalds All Week. The Aftermath.

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If I have more than a couple of days without a decent salad or mountain of steamed or stir fried vegetables I start to feel really rough.


If someone was to tell me that I had to eat McDonalds for a week I'd be exploring all the unusual bits of menu that would break up the monotony, like porridge and salads.

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If I have more than a couple of days without a decent salad or mountain of steamed or stir fried vegetables I start to feel really rough.


If someone was to tell me that I had to eat McDonalds for a week I'd be exploring all the unusual bits of menu that would break up the monotony, like porridge and salads.


Maccys do porridge? Really?!

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I was working night shifts when I went on a job in Texas for a couple of weeks and there was nowhere else to go except McDonalds to get some food around midnight.


I definitely felt ill after that.




must have been a small town.


it's true Mcdonalds are more depressing in the US though than they are elsewhere. Outside the US, they still have the glamour of being 'aspirational'. You don't see bunches of high school kids in the US in Mcdonalds having a fast-food meal and thinking they've hit the consumerist jackpot like you will in poorer countries. Maybe in the 1950s, but not now.

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I love the taste of it but only have it probably once a year, as every time I have it I can't digest it and swear off it for good. Eating it all week? Brave, heroic and probably stupid. Is your skin grey and are you able to stand for more than a minute at a time?


I used to feel like that everytime I had one of their meals. It was enough to put me off.



I have not been in their for over 7 years or so.

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