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Been Eating MacDonalds All Week. The Aftermath.

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I sometimes have a bacon or sausage and egg mcmuffin from McDonalds in the morning. I haven't any of the daytime stuff there for years. I think a Filet o Fish is about the most healthy burger they do.


It's so small though, it almost appears to be a rip off IMO.

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mcdonalds, hungry jacks are huge here in Australia.


i eat subway, but remember their 8 wholewheat buns are actually only around 15% wholemeal, yes that's right, you are eating white bread when you buy wholewheat bread from Subway.


in America they add HFC [ HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP] to Subway, which has been strongly linked to obesity.


check the Subway website out for conformation, and before i forget the corn syrup they get from the corn..... well i'm sure your aware corn in the US is nearly all genetically modified.


I can't even go in a subway because of the horrendous smell from the bread:gag:

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Anyone who eats McDonalds burgers should read or watch 'Fast food nation'. You can buy the book and dvd from Amazon.

You won't touch Mcdonalds, burger king or KFC after reading that!! It tells the truth about these companies and their ethics. And enlightens you to the fact that your burger has 'hamburger' flavourings in them, your fries have 'fries' flavourings in them....now tell me what on earth you are eating if the burger has burger flavourings in!?!?!? :suspect:


I wouldn't eat any of that crap even if I was starving as I respect myself and my body too much!

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Including faecal matter:


Deciding to eat a fast-food hamburger means you have a pretty good chance of ingesting some fecal matter. Which is just not something you, the consumer, want to consider. Most fast- food purchases are made impulsively. And technologists are working in the flavor labs to keep the burgers almost addictively delicious. But anyway, now you know. There is the occasional chunk of bovine excrement mixed in there, along with the Special Sauce.


FAST FOOD NATION: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, by Eric Schlosser. Houghton Mifflin, 356 pp.


Here you go!

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