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Been Eating MacDonalds All Week. The Aftermath.

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dog meat might be a taboo in the US and UK but is considered perfectly normal in China, Vietnam, Korea, Philippines etc and is not really anything to do with poverty. People don't just eat dog because they can't eat anything else - like those movie newsreels you may have seen where European refugees in and post WW2 were like 'forced' to eat the dogs - it's part of the cuisine.



What about cats, did they eat them too?

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Jesus, but meat is so cheap now. Chopping a dog up is just gross. Why, on earth, do they think chopping a dog or cat up makes it profitable?


This was a long time ago. Back in the early 1960s. Meat was something of a luxury in those days.


Dog meat is a delicacy in the Phillipines I've heard

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I wonder what dogs taste the best?


I used to work with a Phillipino guy and we used to joke about eating dogs.


One of them was that when a fire truck passed thru his neighbourhood with it's sirens blasting you wouldn't hear a single dog barking.


He took it all in good spirit though. He used to eat goat also. Bought them live at the market and took them home and slaughtered them in his back yard.

I ate some of it several times and the way he cooked it it tasted great.


I've also eaten rattlesnake. Tastes a bit like chicken

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my impression is that it's Korea that is the biggest redoubt when it comes to dog-eating, and it's not a north-south divide for once. Both of them, the Commie north and consumerist south like to eat dogs, be they rich or poor, but obviously the south has been much more influenced by the western 'taboo' type values concerning the issue. Consequently you get the 'bleeding heart' influence. But that's Korea - torn between the east, which is the bedrock of their cultural identity, and the west, whose influence has been key to their prosperity, in tandem with their own massive hard work of course.


Filipinos do eat dogs, but not as much as goats. Goats are big business in the Philippines. What you will not find in south east Asia, though you will in China, is sheep. Never seen one.

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Jesus, but meat is so cheap now. Chopping a dog up is just gross. Why, on earth, do they think chopping a dog or cat up makes it profitable?


I really don't see why people think it's any different? If you eat cow then why not dog? I just don't get it.


Although there are many meats I don't let my partner eat but thats to do with the way they are farmed never what species they are.

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One thing I have noticed and a reason why I try not to eat junk food is after having a McDonalds lunch, I'm very hungry by tea time, however if I have something a bit more healthy, im not that hungry at tea time and tend to just eat fruit.


it would seem the junk we eat is making you even more hungry amongst other things and in part the reason why people who eat nothing but junk food get fatter and fatter.

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