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US vetoes anti Israel UN resolution

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Well said, the only democracy it is with one proviso you missed, if you happen to be Jewish.

Still wrong, old bean: every Israeli citizen, of any faith or none, has a vote.

Try establishing a church or synagogue in Iraq and see how long you survive!

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Still wrong, old bean: every Israeli citizen, of any faith or none, has a vote.



A sick joke.


Israeli forces regularly confiscate private land; imprison individuals without process – including children – and physically abuse them under incarceration; demolish family homes; bulldoze orchards and crops; place entire towns under curfew; destroy shops and businesses; shoot, maim, and kill civilians – and Palestinians are without power to stop any of it.


When a child is arrested, for example – often by a group of armed soldiers in the middle of the night – parents can do nothing. Knowing that their son is most likely being beaten by soldiers on the way to the station, stripped and humiliated in prison, quite likely physically abused in multiple additional ways, and destined to be held – perhaps in isolation – for days, week, or months (all before a trial has even taken place), parents are without the ability to protect their child. Quite often, in fact, they cannot even visit him.


Finally, when the military trial under which their son is to be sentenced – often to years (sometimes decades) in prison – all they can do is hire a lawyer whose efforts, at best, will reduce the ultimate sentence by a few months. Rarely, if ever, can even the most skilled lawyer do more than afford the child a friendly face in court and be an outside witness to the injustice of the proceedings. Meanwhile, the presence of such a lawyer provides Israel cover for its “judicial system.”


Perhaps most significant – and rarely understood by people in the outside world – is the fact that Palestinians live, basically, in a prison in which Israel holds the keys.





Does that sound like a democracy to you?

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A sick joke.


Israeli forces regularly confiscate private land; imprison individuals without process – including children – and physically abuse them under incarceration; demolish family homes; bulldoze orchards and crops; place entire towns under curfew; destroy shops and businesses; shoot, maim, and kill civilians – and Palestinians are without power to stop any of it.


When a child is arrested, for example – often by a group of armed soldiers in the middle of the night – parents can do nothing. Knowing that their son is most likely being beaten by soldiers on the way to the station, stripped and humiliated in prison, quite likely physically abused in multiple additional ways, and destined to be held – perhaps in isolation – for days, week, or months (all before a trial has even taken place), parents are without the ability to protect their child. Quite often, in fact, they cannot even visit him.


Finally, when the military trial under which their son is to be sentenced – often to years (sometimes decades) in prison – all they can do is hire a lawyer whose efforts, at best, will reduce the ultimate sentence by a few months. Rarely, if ever, can even the most skilled lawyer do more than afford the child a friendly face in court and be an outside witness to the injustice of the proceedings. Meanwhile, the presence of such a lawyer provides Israel cover for its “judicial system.”


Perhaps most significant – and rarely understood by people in the outside world – is the fact that Palestinians live, basically, in a prison in which Israel holds the keys.





Does that sound like a democracy to you?


Why would a child be arrested in the middle of the night? What act of the child would warrant such an arrest?

Dont play with words. Maybe that so called "child" took a pot shot at an Israeli soldier or civilian.

Those so called children aren't children anymore they're killers brainwashed by evil old men who are too fond of their own hides to do the dirty work themselves

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I would hope that it never comes to that but I once read that during the Yom Kippur war when the Syrian tanks were pushing the Israeli armored corps back the Israelis armed a couple of their planes with nuclear weapons just in case. How true this is I dont know.

Any future war would be highly destructive and benefit no one in the end. If it ever came to a slug out between the Israelis and Iranian armies

I'd back the Israelis every time. Saddam's army was pretty useless but the Iranians couldn't even beat them in battle during the war between Iraq and Iran


You have to remember the idiot Yank government has been arming Egypt for years and upgrading their older aircraft with updated electronics.

Iran would have bugger all chance against Israel and even a well armed Egypt would probably loose. A bunch of nations together could do a lot of damage or even win a war.

The yank government are amazing stupid. They support corrupt government, arm them and wonder why things go wrong once their lapdog is kicked out.

If the Muslim brotherhood manage power in Egypt, Israelis need to consider incontinence pants. The daft yank government may have really cocked up this time.

The region may get messy in more ways than one.

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A lie.

Ill be forwarding details of this thread to the israeli embassy.

Let their lawyers deal with these libelous comments.



Pass this post on to them.


The Israeli government pigs and their dogs, the IDF are a bunch of murdering animals responsible for the deaths of thousands.

They kill, steal the land and use it for their illegal settlements, they cry like little babies when someone has the guts to fight back.

The yank **** up, arming Egypt, may just be what's needed to get the occupied land back.

I wonder if the pigs have the stomach to face the destruction that would be inevitable in a war with a nation without its hands ties behind it's back.


I await the letter from your legal team. Tell them to use soft paper so I don't scratch my arse on it.

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Hell, forgot.

If I'm going to court for saying nasty things I may as well go full hog.


Did you know Benjamin Netanyahu is a cross dresser with a reputation for sheep worrying?


The IDF force new male recruits to put on a dress and make like Benjamin Netanyahu in a field.


Menachem Begin and Oedipus shared a hobby.


Yitzhak Rabin wasn't called "Baby carrot" for nothing. Almost nothing - Yes.


Ariel Sharon had strongly held convictions. Most were for child porn.


That should give the layers plenty to work with. I await their bog roll.

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Hell, forgot.

If I'm going to court for saying nasty things I may as well go full hog.


Did you know Benjamin Netanyahu is a cross dresser with a reputation for sheep worrying?


The IDF force new male recruits to put on a dress and make like Benjamin Netanyahu in a field.


Menachem Begin and Oedipus shared a hobby.


Yitzhak Rabin wasn't called "Baby carrot" for nothing. Almost nothing - Yes.


Ariel Sharon had strongly held convictions. Most were for child porn.


That should give the layers plenty to work with. I await their bog roll.


Shouldn't you be beating your opressed indonesian wife or something?

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