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US vetoes anti Israel UN resolution

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Hell, forgot.

If I'm going to court for saying nasty things I may as well go full hog.


Did you know Benjamin Netanyahu is a cross dresser with a reputation for sheep worrying?


The IDF force new male recruits to put on a dress and make like Benjamin Netanyahu in a field.


Menachem Begin and Oedipus shared a hobby.


Yitzhak Rabin wasn't called "Baby carrot" for nothing. Almost nothing - Yes.


Ariel Sharon had strongly held convictions. Most were for child porn.


That should give the layers plenty to work with. I await their bog roll.

Oh my word, sheep worrying, child porn and cross dressing? Well I never knew that, we always get the comparisons of how bad the Palestinians are as a justification but surprised the public can be so accepting of such qualities in their leaders.

Absolutely shocking revelations, would you say it is because of these extraordinary qualities they got elected?

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Still wrong, old bean: every Israeli citizen, of any faith or none, has a vote.

Try establishing a church or synagogue in Iraq and see how long you survive!


I think the Palestinian Muslims face the same battle to build a house on their own land let alone a Mosque, so not much of a comaprison there. The Israeli democracy is only a sham to placate the West.

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Long live israel, may its enemies burn.
Is that a prayer? One thing for sure though if they carry on as they have been doing for the past half a century they won't be running out of enemies any time soon. In the mean time how many Israeli and Arab lives would have been lost to a politically stupid cause?
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look at the latest. lapdog in Egypt supplied with up to date weapons then their trained pup rolled over.

Now there is a better than average chance an extreme government may take over and the Yanks are crapping themselves.

That bunch of idiots need to wake up and realise they don't rule the world.


i think you'll find that them damn yanks...control when and where they want...they will soon be funding the new regimes in the middle east...if they believe it will be in their best interest...the others they will just bomb...or get the isralieis to do it...

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You have to remember the idiot Yank government has been arming Egypt for years and upgrading their older aircraft with updated electronics.

Iran would have bugger all chance against Israel and even a well armed Egypt would probably loose. A bunch of nations together could do a lot of damage or even win a war.

The yank government are amazing stupid. They support corrupt government, arm them and wonder why things go wrong once their lapdog is kicked out.

If the Muslim brotherhood manage power in Egypt, Israelis need to consider incontinence pants. The daft yank government may have really cocked up this time.

The region may get messy in more ways than one.



I've been reading some of your recent posts. Judging from the verbage I suspect that I have been witness to some kind of keyboard mental breakdown caused by over stress.


Meanwile on subject:



If a war does break out your life will be seriously messed up too. Without oil which more than likely will be cut off you'll soon find out how, not just being unable to get around in a car. If its a total cut off of supplies and lasts a lengthy amount of time Europe's already dodgy economy will soon be in total ruin and collapse, food prices will skyrocket, scarcities will occur due to transportation problems and civil unrest may well follow afterwards and that's just a general idea of the consequences


Meanwhile us dumb Yanks who only import about 19 percent of middle east oil will also suffer some fallout but nothing anywhere near the scale of what Europeans can expect.


I dare say after the shooting stops and the economies of the European and middle east countries are totally devastated with a few thousand dead, wounded and missing there'll be begging letters flooding into the White House mail room and the "dumb Yank government" as you so frequently refer to it will have to bail out your sorry asses once again.

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