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US vetoes anti Israel UN resolution

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by your logic no land belongs to anyone because all land at one time was owned by a different ethnic or religious group. You are talking thousands of years in the past. In more recent history Europeans massacred the natives of America and Australia and now claim these lands as their own. Why aren't you calling for Native American military occuption of modern day America?


Doesn't matter when it happens and what about the Arabs that replaced and are still replacing this day, people in Africa and other countries, is that OK then? That kinda says it all.


Anyone who creates a religion from the ramblings of a meglomaniac to counter the spread of Christianity and then more or less immediately sets out to conquer the world deserves to be watched very closly.

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Iran is sat in its own country, America and Israel are not.


Then you'd better take up the matter of Israel with the United Nations hadn't you? That world body recognized the country over 50 years ago.


As for the US presence it doesn't take much sense to realize that the Arabs and the Jews would have completely fought each other back to the stone age decades ago. As it is two wars have been fought between them already

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There were people living in the middle east before the Jews, there were people living in the middle east after the Jews.


I don't think we can draw international boundaries on the basis of religion, or claims made thousands of years ago.


Both sides will need to compromise, but I don't see willingness coming from Israel.

You mean little Israel who's been attacked from all sides down the years, remember the 6 day war, the Yom Kippur war etc> Outnumbered and out gunned israel whupped them every time with a fraction of the arms supplied to the Arabs
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If there is any anti western sentiment in the Middle East it doesn't take a genious to figure out why does it :hihi:


Because in the past the religious medaeval islamic clerics ruled by fear and brainwashing.

Look what is happening now, uprisings across the whole of the Muslim Middle East.

Nothing to do with Israel, all to do with the people wising up to the anti Israel/west propogande being fed to the on a daily basis.

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The Saudis and the other oil rich Arab countries never gave a cent to the Palestinians. It suited them to sit back, let the Palestinian discontent and poverty fester to boiling point and then let Jordan, Syria and Egypt fight their proxy war against Israel instead while they sat on their asses reaping in the billions from oil exports.

Now it's all backfired on them. The Palestinian problem is still the main threat to peace in the region and the big bad wolf Iranians have appeared and are arming and financing radical groups like Hamas which also pose a threat to the Saudis down the road and the Saudis are begging the US to do something about Iran


If Iran ever gets nuclear weapons their brainwashed 13th century reasoning (or lack of it) will coax them to use them, by that time israel will have the means to knock them out of the sky before they arrive whilst at the same time retaliating and justifiably wiping them off the map.

The rest of the snivelling Arabs will be queuing up to make peace with the Israelis.

As Churchill once said "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog".

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Cos he's an Iranian that's why


Care to offer some sort of evidence for this wild claim?


Then you'd better take up the matter of Israel with the United Nations hadn't you? That world body recognized the country over 50 years ago.


And how many UN resolutions have been passed against Isreal which they have still failed to comply with? What sanctions have been imposed on Isreal for non-compliance of these UN resolutions?

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Israel routinely flouts and ignores common international law and basic human rights, the willingness of Israel to target even unarmed aid workers shows a medieval mindset and a violent tendency.


Israel refuses to open up its nuclear programme to UN inspections - even America and Russia do this.


Israel's attitude to the UN bears more in common with North Korea than with any democratic nation.


Settlements built by Israel on Palestinian land are illegal by international law. Their settlement strategy is akin to moving into your neighbours house and asking 'what you gonna do about it, punk?' while pointing a loaded shotgun at him.


Their blockade of Gaza is highly illegal.


North Korea, Syria and Iran are rogue states.



Israel's actions can only lead one to conclude that it too is a rogue nation.

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