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Thieving scum gets what he deserves..

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I think the difference would be that shooting somebody who is running away from you in the back is clearly not self defence.

Running away to where?.

Out of the house and away. or

Away to get a weapon of his own.

You cannot be sure and until you are in the position Mr Martin was you cannot comment with any authority on his intentions or that of his victim.

The shot from Mr Martin infact ricochet before catching the victim.

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I remember back in the 90s, I was waiting to have a driving lesson and a young lad who was walking along Wordsworth avenue was attacked by three lads.

He was into some sort of martial art or something because he flattened all three of them so they ran into a garden to get some nice sharp and violent looking sticks.


They set after him again and once again he laid them flat, plus kicked their sticks away.

They finally hobbled off down Wordsworth and once they were a nice safe distance away one of them turned and yelled `I`m gonna ring the coppers on you!`


Things like that are heartwarming to see and I hope these cretins carried out their threat and phoned the police.

Even the police like a good laugh now and again.

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Shooting an unarmed kid in the back with an illegal firearm while he is running away is excessive force. Hope this helps.


Not warning him that you have a gun is another no-no - assuming you have time to before the assailant clubs you to death. But since a man running away from you is not an assailant, that's a trivial omission from your statement.

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Hope this helps.

Sorry but it does not. You seem to be happy to quote the excessive force card but dont seem to be able to put your own mark to your opinion.

Furthermore you appear to be defending the rights of intruders, i expect you would make burglars in your home a cup of tea....

As i pointed out before Mr Martins shot ricochet into the victim, so i guess it is pure supposition as to whether or not he was, or was not running away and what the intentions of Mr Martin were.

The verdict of the court are clear tho as the verdict was replaced by a lesser conviction i suggest that the appeal judge was not totally in agreement with the origional verdict... ;)

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