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Will civil war break out in the UK?

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the majority of us work for a pittance, whos fault is it? the rich NOT immigrants.


Th controlling wealthy powers have an interest in fomenting petty racial differences.


Divide and conquer. Or, at least, deter unification of the working people. Invent enemies, construct scapegoats, all that sort of thing.

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The fastest growing race in this country is "mixed".


Rather than there being a civil war people are getting on with their lives, marrying other races and cultures, having sex and making babies.


Sorry to disappoint!


Is marrying other races legal? From newspaper reports I'd assumed sex with horses, dolphins & other animals was taboo. I also doubt very much if any pregnancies will occur as a result of such dubious behavior.

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Th controlling wealthy powers have an interest in fomenting petty racial differences.


Divide and conquer. Or, at least, deter unification of the working people. Invent enemies, construct scapegoats, all that sort of thing.



ive said it before ill say it again


while we squabble amongst ourselves for the crumbs off the rich mans table they reap the riches

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the thing is. therell only be a civil war if people want it and the people that want it most are the ones with most to gain from it


groups like the bnp / edl

and extremist muslim etc groups


so your playing right into their grubby little hands

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Is marrying other races legal? From newspaper reports I'd assumed sex with horses, dolphins & other animals was taboo. I also doubt very much if any pregnancies will occur as a result of such dubious behavior.

i thought it was legal to love black people etc...........unless the bnp got into power? :huh::loopy::confused::suspect:

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