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Will civil war break out in the UK?

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If you read what I said at the start of this thread you'll see that I didn't take them seriously!! You should make the effort to see the context before jumping to conclusions.


Sorry, chuck, but you can't seriously expect people to scroll back through to the beginning of a 5-page thread and read every word you've posted, before responding to a single post you've made!

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Sorry, chuck, but you can't seriously expect people to scroll back through to the beginning of a 5-page thread and read every word you've posted, before responding to a single post you've made!


No, you make a very good point!! I rarely bother read posts on the same page, let alone five pages back... I've considered editing my posts so as not to provide anyone with propaganda, but I'm not sure that's a good path to go down. Still, this might be good point to say that no one should pay attention to the rantings of lone loony taxi drivers! I think we can all sleep safe tonight.

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We were driving down a road in town late at night and we passed a group of very drunk girls. They were falling over and were a real mess. I said something to him like "It's embarrassing isn't it?!" and he launched into a rant about the moral standards of Britain, how our democracy is a sham, and how the whole of western philosophy back to the Ancient Greeks is deeply flawed. He then went on to talk about the coming war that I've already mentioned.


I'm not a Muslim, and I would guess that he was a Muslim. I don't know for sure though. I didn't say very much after that....


Moral standard are a all time low , as for war an tension the last time I looked were in a few already :


Looking for invisible cave dwelling terrorist in afagan,


Millions dead in Iraq due to invsiasble WMDS


Supporting majority of Muslim dictators


Being brainwashed every day into believing bombing Iran is a good idea !


Civil war caused by the elite may keep everyone occupied and busy , and they can carry on getting richer and more powerfull and carry on making is belove that we Realy have democracy when in fact all the real descesions get made behind closed doors ;

Eg bikdeberg group, trilateral commioson , international banking cartel !



Like the famous last TRUE president of the united states said 10 before being murdered " we are apposed around the world by a monolethic ruthless conspiracy ......"


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Moral standard are a all time low , as for war an tension the last time I looked were in a few already :


Looking for invisible cave dwelling terrorist in afagan,


Millions dead in Iraq due to invsiasble WMDS


Supporting majority of Muslim dictators


Being brainwashed every day into believing bombing Iran is a good idea !


Civil war caused by the elite may keep everyone occupied and busy , and they can carry on getting richer and more powerfull and carry on making is belove that we Realy have democracy when in fact all the real descesions get made behind closed doors ;

Eg bikdeberg group, trilateral commioson , international banking cartel !



Like the famous last TRUE president of the united states said 10 before being murdered " we are apposed around the world by a monolethic ruthless conspiracy ......"



What's the difference between a true president and a false president?

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because it ISNT, its a fallacy.

my wage is **** but its NOTHING to do with black people, muslims or immigrants......its the companys fault pure and simple.

our company has barely had any immigrants or none whites there in its history, and its been going since the 70s

If people join the workforce earlier instead of spending a dozen years on the dole thier wage might not be **** ?


It always seems to be somebody else's fault.

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If people join the workforce earlier instead of spending a dozen years on the dole thier wage might not be **** ?


It always seems to be somebody else's fault.


It generally is because life is not what the individual makes it it; life is what other people let the individual make of it. It things were left up to the individual I'm pretty sure they be the richest person on the planet or ruler of the world or something. Many people have tried it in the past and have come to a sticky end, largely by the actions of other people.

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no you dont because


1: you dont care

2: your one track minded and hate immigrants who are a nice scapegoat

3: as i said previously my "predicament" blows your whole arguement out of the water so you like to carry on in your little dreamworld


1. Why should I care about a person who wont listen?

2. You're the one with a problem in that you make assumptions, this is not about hating anyone or scapegoating them.

3. I see so anytime we see you bleating about some subject we are safe in the knowledge you are only capable of looking only as far as the length of your nose.

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am i the only person in this position? no

are their actually people worse off than me? yes


its not about me and what my position is............its about whether its immigrants faults, my point is..............no it isnt


but as its been proved its a lie, the arguements now been turned onto me


as usual im the ONLY one whos used personal experience as "proof" and gets attacked for it, i dont see either you or streamline giving personal experience for your views, just the usual half truths, lies and prejidiced guesswork


You have used your personal position as proof I am a liar, is that what you are saying?


The simple fact is the "rich" are the ones who encouraged immigration for one reason only and that was to get richer.

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There will not be a religious or racial civil war any time soon, but there will be low-level intensity conflict between the government and various interest groups (students, the unemployed, striking worker's etc) played out on the streets of Britain.


What we will see over the next few years will make the winter of discontent back in '79 look like a kids tea party. We will see much more social unrest, and serious rioting will be back with a vengeance. We have got a lot to look forward to with this government...

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