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How to get my son off of cannabis

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Can anyone help or know anywhere that offers help. Im so worried about him, he does want to come off it himself but keeps going back, hes really depressed and bored, he trys to keep out of trouble and off the streets i just want to help him before it leads to harder drugs, there must be some help out there.


Cannabis can be worse than ordinary tobacco to kick. I think boredom is a lot to do with it. Its not the taking of it, but what it leads to, mainly paranoia.

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You are bang on but consider this. Dealer "Haven't got any skunk but I have got some sniff".

would never interest me, coke isnt my drug, weed was


thing is people generally have "their" drugs, weed and booze was always mine, i tried other things (speed, acid, shrooms) but they didnt do it for me, i could take or leave em.

weed and booze was mine for 18 / 20 odd years respective.


now its just booze

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I have massive sympathy for anyone who is "hooked" on anything. It is always assumed that being as they are "doing it to themself" they can stop when they like. Their addiction supresses many of the instincts that those without a dependancey take for granted. For example, to put their children first, respect other people's property or even to look after themselves.


Sorry but it's so sad.

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I have a strong view that there is less harm to society and the individual in cannabis versus alcohol, but perhaps that debate is for a different thread.


If it was a choice between the lad smoking some weed in his bedroom, versus hanging around in parks with his mates drinking White Lightning, I know which I'd prefer every time...


You want to be very careful to consider that if he does comes off the weed he'll turn to alcohol (or something else) to fill the void instead. The issue may be better dealt with by understanding why he uses weed, what void it is filling for him (to de-stress, boredom...) and help to understand that first, rather just to "get him off it"...

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You want to be very careful to consider that if he does comes off the weed he'll turn to alcohol (or something else) to fill the void instead. The issue may be better dealt with by understanding why he uses weed, what void it is filling for him (to de-stress, boredom...) and help to understand that first, rather just to "get him off it"...


Very wise words, and you should heed them.

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