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How to get my son off of cannabis

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You're right to want to get him off it. It leads to worse drugs but if the lad wants to kick it, he'll do it with the help of self belief and a big helping of 'I've got a big ole pair'. Good luck to your boy.


It doesn't necessarily lead to other drugs but as he has chosen to try cannabis ,it follows he could be of the mind to try other drugs.

Other drugs (though good while you're up) are bad and screw you up as does alchohol.it's not worth it.


I'd be more worried if my kid was drinking regular.


People turn into idiots after alchohol and suffer illness and die because of it,a cannabis user is in danger of being too laid back and that's about it.

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Try contacting the corner on division street used to be the shed they help however big or small the problem .. I recently did a drug awareness training course for work, Jenny and Nigel delivered the course and their knowledge was fab so I'd recommend you ask to speak to them they are better than Frank as it's more 1 to 1 about your problem and not the 'drug' in general. Gd luck!

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You are bang on but consider this. Dealer "Haven't got any skunk but I have got some sniff".


would never interest me, coke isnt my drug, weed was


thing is people generally have "their" drugs, weed and booze was always mine, i tried other things (speed, acid, shrooms) but they didnt do it for me, i could take or leave em.

weed and booze was mine for 18 / 20 odd years respective.


now its just booze


I'd second that. Peope telling you that cannabis will definitely lead to other drugs are scaremongering. Every drug has different pros and cons for different people. I am the polar opposite to melthebell - I took coke and speed sporadically for 20 years and if anyone had said to me that they didnt have any but did I want a weed I would have politely told them that I'd go elsewhere :)


But back to the point, if you are worried about your son's cannabis use I would take him along to a youth drug advisory project where they can give him some one to one advice and try to encourage him to fill his life up with other things, such as work and/or an active hobby just so that he doesnt have the time to smoke weed. Also try educating him that whilst weed might make him feel good while he's got it, it'll cost him a fortune over the years (try and give him an example of what else he could do with that money) and its also an almighty pain in the bum when there's a drought!

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Start to worry when he gets into class 'a' drugs.

Do you believe that ALL drugs should be legalised and thereby controlled? This would immediately deprive users of their rebellious 'bad boy' mystique and put some much needed tax money in the coffers. Or maybe we should just carry on letting the gangsters get rich.

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you cant, like any drug, including alcohol it has to be him that really wants / needs to come off it.

i smoked it for 18 years but stopped..eventually, as i could no longer get any easily, and got out of the habit.

with him if he really wants to stop he needs to cut off all avenues of supply, try and occupy his mind with things that arent dope related.



This is interesting, aren't you in the legalise it brigade? surely legalising it will create easy avenues of supply.

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I have a strong view that there is less harm to society and the individual in cannabis versus alcohol, but perhaps that debate is for a different thread.


If it was a choice between the lad smoking some weed in his bedroom, versus hanging around in parks with his mates drinking White Lightning, I know which I'd prefer every time...


You want to be very careful to consider that if he does comes off the weed he'll turn to alcohol (or something else) to fill the void instead. The issue may be better dealt with by understanding why he uses weed, what void it is filling for him (to de-stress, boredom...) and help to understand that first, rather just to "get him off it"...


Whenever someone mentions anything about cannabis, a load of idiots start up with "alcohol is worse", why do they do this? No one can ever manage to see cannabis on it's own, they feel the need to compare it to alcohol. Which, to be honest, is a ridiculous comparison.

The woman wanted to know how to get her son off cannabis.

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Just let him smoke for a few years, he will either realise cannabis isnt all that and become a functioning and contributing member of society or he wont, hes a young adult and should make his own decisions.

You can only make him aware of the dangers and let him come to his own conculsions.

To be honest, most of the people I used to know that smoked cannabis are now doing perfectly well, in respectable jobs and wear suits. Some of them have out of control cocaine habits but they hide it well- and this is what counts, as long as you appear respectable and pay your taxes no-one seems to care what you do behind close doors.

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