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How to get my son off of cannabis

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Does your son work?


I think if he worked it would help him stop smoking weed. I don't think he works as he gets high is bored and depressed. Any one like that won't be holding down a 9 to 5


Those of you saying you was addicted to the tobacco and not the weed in your spliffs are obviously not pot heads as anyone smoking weed urges to have a spliff of a cannabis instead of just a fag hence being addicted to it.


I don't know how old everyone is but you all know today's weed is stronger due to chemicals etc that are in it and I'd say that makes it more addictive as the taste is more intense and so is the hit.


Any way I don't want to be typing out for half hour so I'll leave it at that for now.

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Well that's a shame. I don't suppose though when someone is stabbed to death by a regular user of strong cannabis who has developed paranoid schizophrenia that they will put 'cannabis' as the cause of death on the victim's death certificate.


No they won't- would you?


The attacker, as well as being schizophrenic and having a spliff, presumably also breathed air and cracked one off occasionally- should the cause of death therefore be breathing and/or masturbation :)

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You're right to want to get him off it. It leads to worse drugs but if the lad wants to kick it, he'll do it with the help of self belief and a big helping of 'I've got a big ole pair'. Good luck to your boy.


There isn't really any evidence that it leads to other drug use, so why make the OP feel worse?

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No they won't- would you?


The attacker, as well as being schizophrenic and having a spliff, presumably also breathed air and cracked one off occasionally- should the cause of death therefore be breathing and/or masturbation :)


Fresh air and 'cracking one off occasionally' doesn't make you a paranoid schizophrenic though, does it? However too much strong cannabis in some people can.


I'm sure you are aware of what I was getting at. Cannabis ruins and takes lives. Just because maybe there are no known recorded deaths due to cannabis smoking, there are in fact plenty of deaths due to cannabis smoking. - Bob Marley RIP being one of them.

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Fresh air and 'cracking one off occasionally' doesn't make you a paranoid schizophrenic though, does it? However too much strong cannabis in some people can.


I'm sure you are aware of what I was getting at. Cannabis ruins and takes lives. Just because maybe there are no known recorded deaths due to cannabis smoking, there are in fact plenty of deaths due to cannabis smoking. - Bob Marley RIP being one of them.

to develop schizo you must have underlying serious mental health issues, smoking bud MAY contribute to and accelerate this, but it does not GIVE you schizo.


---------- Post added 03-03-2014 at 16:53 ----------


ive been smoking bud for 15 years. i never felt the need to go onto something harder, You can minimalize the addictiveness by not using tobacco. vapourizing and eating are the healthier options whilst still getting you stoned.if he really wants to give up he will but you cant cant force him, perhaps a chat with somebody who has been there and done it would have more influence on him

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to develop schizo you must have underlying serious mental health issues, smoking bud MAY contribute to and accelerate this, but it does not GIVE you schizo


Of the cannabis smokers I know, several regular cannabis users who had extremely promising careers ahead of them and no disorders apparent enough to get in the way of this, suddenly developed them after smoking strong cannabis. All of them have had to have serious health intervention, including admission into institutions.

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Fresh air and 'cracking one off occasionally' doesn't make you a paranoid schizophrenic though, does it? However too much strong cannabis in some people can.


I'm sure you are aware of what I was getting at. Cannabis ruins and takes lives. Just because maybe there are no known recorded deaths due to cannabis smoking, there are in fact plenty of deaths due to cannabis smoking. - Bob Marley RIP being one of them.


I am pretty sure that Bob Marley died from malignant melanoma that started in the toe (skin cancer). It was arguably his religious beliefs that killed him, as he refused to have his toe removed, a course of action what would probably have saved is life.


If you have evidence that it was cannabis that killed him, please contact his estate.


Of the cannabis smokers I know, several regular cannabis users who had extremely promising careers ahead of them and no disorders apparent enough to get in the way of this, suddenly developed them after smoking strong cannabis. All of them have had to have serious health intervention, including admission into institutions.


There is a tenuous link between Cannabis and various low level mental disorders, though no cause has ever been found (despite a number of studies).


There is every chance that these promising people would have developed certain disorders regardless of the weed they smoked. The brain does not fully develop until the mid - 20's, perhaps their conditions were hibernating inside their brain.


It is unscientific to attribute cause to their weed consumption without any evidence.

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Of the cannabis smokers I know, several regular cannabis users who had extremely promising careers ahead of them and no disorders apparent enough to get in the way of this, suddenly developed them after smoking strong cannabis. All of them have had to have serious health intervention, including admission into institutions.


This is correct! Genetics do also play a part but smoking this will put you at high risk to develop serious life changing mental heath issues. Also the risk will be passed to your unborn future kids....

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No they won't- would you?


The attacker, as well as being schizophrenic and having a spliff, presumably also breathed air and cracked one off occasionally- should the cause of death therefore be breathing and/or masturbation :)


Think his point was that it can have a detrimental impact on the mental state of the user.

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