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How to get my son off of cannabis

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I personally think paranoia is nothing more than heightened awareness. However I have many a friend that smoked everyday like it was a few packs of cigarettes a day. All are now divorced and admit to being gradually paranoid and depressed and not wanting to go into work more and more over the years then one day ... No kids, wife or job! They admit to smoking to much crap over the years...


I don't know, But I would think numbing your brain every day for years must not be good for you. In moderation YES Possibly . I'm not convinced we are all capable of doing moderation. Some can some can't.

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I personally think paranoia is nothing more than heightened awareness. However I have many a friend that smoked everyday like it was a few packs of cigarettes a day. All are now divorced and admit to being gradually paranoid and depressed and not wanting to go into work more and more over the years then one day ... No kids, wife or job! They admit to smoking to much crap over the years...


I don't know, But I would think numbing your brain every day for years must not be good for you. In moderation YES Possibly . I'm not convinced we are all capable of doing moderation. Some can some can't.


I agree, too much of anything is bad for you. In moderation, cannabis is harmless, just like alcohol. I've managed to moderate my usage of cannabis and alcohol, much the same as my unhealthy eating.

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