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Do you take Simvastatin

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just been put on these by my gp 40mg one at night, my cholesterol is 6.5 :o


do you suffer any side effects from them.... I hate taking tablets apart from paracetamol


and did your cholesterol fall significantly after taking them, will I need them for life

guess I should have asked the doc ...but didnt think till after :roll:

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Yes l take them. Never had my cholesterol checked, the Doctor just gave me them, I think in my case it was more of an age thing than anything else.


hahaha Shaznay. BURNED. :hihi:


I've never heard of the stuff, so apart from having a giggle at your expence, I cant add anything, but would suggest ringing your doctor to ask about these things.

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Yes l take them. Never had my cholesterol checked, the Doctor just gave me them, I think in my case it was more of an age thing than anything else.


surprised at that aries..thought they were for lowering cholesterol nothing else :confused:

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hahaha Shaznay. BURNED. :hihi:


I've never heard of the stuff, so apart from having a giggle at your expence, I cant add anything, but would suggest ringing your doctor to ask about these things.


hey up scozzie that wasnt me ..............I am not old :(:D no I am not :D

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My OH (who is diabetic) takes Simvastatin for his high cholestrol and other benefits he can't recall. His cholesterol came down and he says that he's not noticed any side effects. Mind you I have noticed that he gets up in the middle of the night to take the tablet. That's something to do with his idea about not taking the tablet with alcohol. Apparently his GP mentioned that a possible side effect of the simvastation was impaired liver function and hinted that OH should not drink so much (usually a bottle of beer and a whisky at night). To get round this my OH decided to still have his alcohol but then give his liver the chance to process it before he took his tablet. Hope that makes more sense to you than it does to me. By the way his liver function is fine.

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I started taking this tablet around 5 years when I was diagnosed diabetic as well as Metformin and Asprin every morning...


My cholestrol dropped from 6.1 to 3.4 in a matter of months when the change of diet/advice was handed to me...


I had no severe side effects other than a touch of wind :blush:


Over the past 3 years the Doctor even doubts that I'm diabetic so I've knocked the tablets on the head until they prove otherwise :suspect:

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I have been taking Simvastatin for some years now and have no side effects, I was told by the pharmacist the best time to take the tablet is early evening as cholestrol builds up during the night. I have a blood test every six months and after the recent words of doom about this medication in the press I took it up with my GP who told me the main thing looked for whilst taking Simvastatin is liver damage by regular blood tests and reassured me there is no problem as far as I am concerned.

I would suggest to anyone with misgivings to have a chat with your GP, I have complete confidence in ours, who answers any queries fully, gives a full explanation of medication prescribed and any side effects, I might add I am in my eighties and have been having these six monthly check ups for many years now, blood tests, blood pressure etc, and consider these essential to my well being.

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just been put on these by my gp 40mg one at night, my cholesterol is 6.5 :o


do you suffer any side effects from them.... I hate taking tablets apart from paracetamol


and did your cholesterol fall significantly after taking them, will I need them for life

guess I should have asked the doc ...but didnt think till after :roll:



I took Simvastatin -they did a good job of lowering my cholersterol but, after around 6 months, I started having terrible muscular pains which got worse with time.

I ended up unable to sit for more than 5 minutes and hardly able to walk at all.


Took a long time before I realised (and only realised then because I saw a program on TV about it) that the Simvastatin was the cause and my doctor changed these to Pravastatin but the symptoms continued so I stopped taking statins altogether - decided I would sooner take my chances on a heart attack and even die rather than suffer like that.


Took a very long time before my problems subsided after I stopped taking them and many believe that some of the damage which has been done is irreversible.


The fact that you are obviously aware of the possibilities, gives you an advantage and enables you to monitor your health closely for unexplained symptoms - make proper notes of anything which is unusual and never happened before.


The majority of patients take them without any problems but, for those like me, the damage is unbelievable so take great care and good luck with your treatment.

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