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Do you take Simvastatin

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My husband has been taking Simvastatin for 15+ years now with no serious side effects. He has an inherited condition where his cholesterol can't be controlled by diet. He was originally prescribed when he had a heart attack and his cholesterol was found to be over 10. He takes 80mg, which I believe is the maximum dose. His older brother had a fatal heart attack, and his younger brother has stents, and is also on statins. Neither of them were smokers although my husband was, but stopped immediately after his heart attack. I believe statins have saved my husband's life - he had a 3xbypass in 1996 and although he's in his 60s he still works and enjoys pretty good health.


Unfortunately, our son was also prescribed Simvastatin, but suffered serious joint pains, so can't tolerate them. He takes an alternative, but as his cholesterol has never been as high as his dad's we're hopeful his heart won't be affected in the same way.

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its all a bit worrying reading these posts........... I guess the gp thinks I have other risk factors too and thats why started me on them........my dad had a fatal heart attack aged 67, I have had recent heart tests which showd I have coronary artery spasms....


I dont smoke and never have


I will carry on with them and if I start with muscle pains will go straight back to see gp and not just put it down to something else

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just been put on these by my gp 40mg one at night, my cholesterol is 6.5 :o


do you suffer any side effects from them.... I hate taking tablets apart from paracetamol


and did your cholesterol fall significantly after taking them, will I need them for life

guess I should have asked the doc ...but didnt think till after :roll:


I am totally amazed at the number of people who put up posts like this. If you want a proper answer go to your g.p. if you simply want to tell the world about this --- why??

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just been put on these by my gp 40mg one at night, my cholesterol is 6.5 :o


do you suffer any side effects from them.... I hate taking tablets apart from paracetamol


and did your cholesterol fall significantly after taking them, will I need them for life

guess I should have asked the doc ...but didnt think till after :roll:


can i suggest that 1. you talk to your g.p. 2. read the leaflet that comes with your medication.

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I know a treatment for high cholestrol, its called 'STOPEATINTHEMPIESAZINE'. I highly recommend to anyone.


My husband was given advice about his diet from a dietician during his recovery from a heart attack. He understandably got a bit annoyed that she hadn't understood his inherited condition, 'familial hyperlipidaemia' creates cholesterol no matter what he eats. But you can't be expected to know about such things, so I accept your comments as a joke. :roll:


When he was diagnosed, he was under 11 stone and hadn't had a pie for years. :o


The same condition was probably why his brother died suddenly of a heart attack when he was 47, 20+ years ago. He'd not been diagnosed.

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I took Simvastatin -they did a good job of lowering my cholersterol but, after around 6 months, I started having terrible muscular pains which got worse with time.

I ended up unable to sit for more than 5 minutes and hardly able to walk at all.


Took a long time before I realised (and only realised then because I saw a program on TV about it) that the Simvastatin was the cause and my doctor changed these to Pravastatin but the symptoms continued so I stopped taking statins altogether - decided I would sooner take my chances on a heart attack and even die rather than suffer like that.


Took a very long time before my problems subsided after I stopped taking them and many believe that some of the damage which has been done is irreversible.


The fact that you are obviously aware of the possibilities, gives you an advantage and enables you to monitor your health closely for unexplained symptoms - make proper notes of anything which is unusual and never happened before.


The majority of patients take them without any problems but, for those like me, the damage is unbelievable so take great care and good luck with your treatment.


This is the exact same thing that happened to me.

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  • 2 years later...

I have been taking statins for 2 years now (since I started the thread)

My gp changed me from simvastatin to atorvastatin in January because of a possible interaction with another tablet I am on.

I had the occasional muscle aches with simvastatin but not too bad couldn't cope.

However after starting the atorvastatin the aches in my legs are becoming unbearable, sometimes I can hardly walk and I feel lethargic.....Im sure this must be the statin and I am now contemplating stopping them.

I mentioned this to my gp and she did blood tests which came back normal, however my cholesterol had gone back UP on the atorvastatin, so she has increased the dose :o

I am now going to stop taking them off my own bat for a month see what happens.

If my pain subsides then back to the gp for other alternatives

will report back with the outcome.

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