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Is Castro's Cuba next..

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Cuba is already well on the way to change - they are in the process of moving to a a private enterprise based economy rather than a centralised controlled economy. Once this happens it'll be a much nicer place for the Cubans to live - as long as the Americans stop their illegal blockade and they can get things like medicines in and export goods.

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I thought Cuba was well on the way to democracy with a new found friendship with the USA?


Well the USA has the highest prison population of any country in the world. Despite having less than 20% of the population, the USA has more people locked up than repressive regimes like China.


With prison numbers increasing at about 10% pa, perhaps the USA is running out of places to lock up its citizens and would consider taking over Cuba as an extension of Guantanamo so that it can incarcerate a load more.


Devil's Island anyone?

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Nothing; but if tent cities are a good reason for the UN to take over government, you must also argue for the UN taking over the USA. Not to do so would be hypocritical.


I had a higher opinion of your intelligence before this post. Did you take a silly pill for breakfast this morning? :hihi:


Haiti's state of affairs isnt just about the quake and it's aftermath. That country has had a long history of brutal or corrupt dictators since it gained indepenedence from France in the early 19th century. It's environment has been ruined by deforestation, it's treasury looted and it's infrastructure, such as it exists allowed to fall into ruin. It's worst years were probably under Papa Doc Duvalier but since then it has been run by inept leaders and politicians.

For that reason, which i thought I made clear in previous posts the country is a good candidate to be administered by the UN for the foreseeable future.


As for tents ie homeless maybe the Uk is also a candidate for UN administration. There seem to be a lot of people, presumably homeless who stand on street corners seliing or giving out a magazine called "The Issue"

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Well the USA has the highest prison population of any country in the world. Despite having less than 20% of the population, the USA has more people locked up than repressive regimes like China.


With prison numbers increasing at about 10% pa, perhaps the USA is running out of places to lock up its citizens and would consider taking over Cuba as an extension of Guantanamo so that it can incarcerate a load more.


Devil's Island anyone?


With a current population of 308 million that is understandable. Gangs and gang crime, murder, robbery and the drug trade being one of the main reasons. In China they shoot people for those crimes and many other crimes which greatly helps to keep the prison population at a lower level


Since the UK seems to be in dire economical straits (or according to many posters) perhaps Cameron could increase revenues by leasing out a few islands in the Outer Hebrides, currently inhabited by a few sheep and wild goats. Who knows in a few years the Crips and the Bloods and the Mexcian Mafia might take to wearing kilts and speaking with Scottish brogues Rap and Gangsta music in Gaelic. Now that's a thought

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Cuba is already well on the way to change - they are in the process of moving to a a private enterprise based economy rather than a centralised controlled economy. Once this happens it'll be a much nicer place for the Cubans to live - as long as the Americans stop their illegal blockade and they can get things like medicines in and export goods.


When Castro is gone and relations between the US and Cuba restored to normal it will become a Mecca for US tourists. It's only a hop, skip and a jump from Florida and it's potential for development enormous especially since Mexico has now become too dodgy for tourism.

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