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Anyone tried the scrummy free friday food in the Rose & Crown, Eckington

Chicken G

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Oh dear Chicken G you missed the onion bahjis and aloo chops ...they went down great and the rose smelt like a curry house....


You tatting for some cake then John Henry ? better get an order in..lol


What will we be having next friday ?????


any suggestions people...what would you like ??/

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This isn't working, it's blindingly obvious what you're doing and I imagine it's backfiring now and getting on peoples' nerves.


The use of bold text/exclamation marks, the same style of writing in each post, the same unusual sense of humour in each post, the 'independent' comments that all sound like adverts for the place, the amount of new people here who are solely concerned with talking about your pub and how often they go there


Restaurant & pub owners/workers pretending to be satisfied punters come on the forum all the time and it's really easy to spot - fair play you're looking to raise your profile, and in the current financial climate I (and I'm sure many others) wish you the best.


However, treating us like we're all stupid is not a good way to promote yourself. Just be honest, and if you have a new menu or whatever just say so (as yourself, not all these made-up people) - you'll get a lot more respect on here

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I'm sure it's a nice pub and that the person who cooks is a good cook. I'm not being critical, I'm trying to do you a favour - there are restaurants on here who've become a laughing stock through using these tactics, and it is really, really obvious. Stop digging yourself deeper into this hole and just be honest

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What a horrible thing to put,you obviously don't know anything about what's been happening in the rose, Nicki and Rob, the landlord and landlady are good decent people trying to make a living and have nothing to do with these posts. Yes they have read them and find it all very amusing, as we do, all the more because it is my husband doing the cooking.

The food thing has been going on for a while as my husband had to pack up work to look after me due to an illness i have, he took up cooking for a hobby and just loves making food for his friends. He has done this for years and hope he carries on doing so, but it is people like you making comments like that, making him think he is doing it for some illgotten reason, that will put him off . He isn't a chef he just likes to dabble and what's wrong with that.. and if it can bring a bit of trade to the pub then so what.. we had a pub many years ago and i know how hard the trade is, even without all the changes made in recent years, it takes over your life like any business does and i know because it made us fight a long hard battle that we lost due to overbearing circumstances and a crap brewery as landlord..

You may not have meant the comments to be hurtful but quite frankly they are!

Like John Henry says don't make assumptions unless you have been there yourself, this is not some dark devious way to get people in the place..just friends enjoying the company and yes, the food.

my only wish is that Chicken G would come over and meet us as he is to blame for all this as he started off the thread..NOT US !!!!!!!!!

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Oh and by the way ..Iam not stupid, my husband is not stupid, nor are the customers that use the rose and nobody is trying to make anybody else look stupid, you should get a grip and think about what you are saying, the only person that is going to come out looking stupid is you if these comments carry on, they are not helpful at all just demeaning to the nicki and rob to think that they would go solow as to try and con people by putting on "fake" posts.

No I am not happy !!!!!!!!

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What Nikki and Rob doing something for free NOT A CHANCE !!! (well maybe Rob) They are drumming up business cos they put their beer prices up that much that all the locals that used the pub buggered off to th club. Even the lads that drank in the West End use the club rather than The Rose.


Things must be getting desperate up there !!!

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Kindly keep this on topic and don't make personal remarks.


Also when posting bear in mind the forum rule that users may not post entirely in bold.

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