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Should the UK be GMT or CET


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All this talk of changing our time zones to fit in the the EU made sense to me until I saw this map: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/02/20/article-1358801-0D47BD2B000005DC-871_468x417.jpg


What is apparent is France, Spain and Belgium etc should really be on GMT not CET.


Should time be so easily messed with or should it be something governed by international agreement. It seems odd that Spain for example can be on CET when they are more west than the UK.


Why should we change? Its GMT for a reason!


Better map here: http://www.worldtimezone.com/wtz008.php

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It's chiefly a question of energy usage. An 18-hour day in June, if we remained on GMT as opposed to British Summer Time, would see dawn at 3am and sunset at 9pm. Almost nobody is up and about before 6, and almost everybody is still awake after 9; which means daylight goes to waste and we put lights on at night, consuming energy.


Move the clock an hour forward, as we currently do, means a 4am-10pm day, which is an improvement; 5am to 11pm, or even 6pm to midnight, would be better still.


The alternative would be to leave the clocks where they belong and simply change our living habits; but imagine the reaction if Government were to tell the general public that they had to start work at 7am instead of 9! Whereas, if you change the clocks and pretend that it really is 9am, they will happily go to work without a murmur.

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Could we not just change GMT to 2 hours ahead of what it currently is?


No. Greenwich Mean Time is an international standard, and fixed. We could abandon it and start using our own standard but that would be utterly ridiculous. We would simply refer to "British Time" and "British Summer Time" or something alone those lines, which would be 1hour/2hours ahead of GMT.

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Could we not just change GMT to 2 hours ahead of what it currently is?


Only if you are prepared to tilt the Earth on its axis during the winter.:)


CET is the answer.

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Could we not just change GMT to 2 hours ahead of what it currently is?


I think it would be really useful, but then I'm something of a night owl anyway. Although if we changed, I would then be more of a day owl. Which is stupid.:loopy:


Does anyone know what the max/min number of daylights hours are in the UK?

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...imagine the reaction if Government were to tell the general public that they had to start work at 7am instead of 9! Whereas, if you change the clocks and pretend that it really is 9am, they will happily go to work without a murmur.


Oh no, we'll do it, but we'll kick up a fuss



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