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Should the UK be GMT or CET


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But this is what happens to a lot of people now, my son goes to work at 7am and comes home at 5pm so he goes to work in the dark and comes home in the dark in the winter, surely you get out in the middle of the day, and don't work in a basement where there is no natural light.


Not a basement, but there is no natural light - we could go out in the middle of the day, but only get 45 minutes so tend to use that eating and resting.


Going back to the proposal, do you think people like your son would benefit fron the proposed change?

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I was in my twenties in the late sixties when this was done before, was lovely in summer sitting out till about 11pm watching the sun go down. Cant remember anyone saying that it affected them much. Also what difference would it make if you started work an hour later and finished an hour later.

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Two hours?


Think you mean one.


Yeah that's correct. It's proposed we have GMT+1 in Winter and GMT+2 in summer. Currently we have GMT in Winter and GMT+1 in Summer.


One big advantage would be we would be on the same time zone as Western Europe.

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Not a basement, but there is no natural light - we could go out in the middle of the day, but only get 45 minutes so tend to use that eating and resting.


Going back to the proposal, do you think people like your son would benefit fron the proposed change?


Definitely, he goes fishing after work, and will now be able to stay an extra hour in the summer.

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No. Greenwich Mean Time is an international standard, and fixed. We could abandon it and start using our own standard but that would be utterly ridiculous. We would simply refer to "British Time" and "British Summer Time" or something alone those lines, which would be 1hour/2hours ahead of GMT.


Actually GMT hasn't been the time standard since 1972. It's now Coordinated Universal Time, abbreviated to UTC.


Perhaps it should be Coordinated Universal Normalised Time, abbreviated to...

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All this talk of changing our time zones to fit in the the EU made sense to me until I saw this map: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/02/20/article-1358801-0D47BD2B000005DC-871_468x417.jpg


What is apparent is France, Spain and Belgium etc should really be on GMT not CET.


Should time be so easily messed with or should it be something governed by international agreement. It seems odd that Spain for example can be on CET when they are more west than the UK.


Why should we change? Its GMT for a reason!


Better map here: http://www.worldtimezone.com/wtz008.php


That map makes it obvious to me that we should be on the same time zone as the rest of Europe.

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