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Muslims in the armed forces

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We can only hope that shooting up your colleagues is a particularly nasty American phenomena with idiots going berserk in Schools and Military installations and Political rallies etc.....yep lets hope this stupid behavior stays across the Atlantic.


In the first Gulf War more Canadian soldiers were killed by US troops than Iraqis!

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Let's hope that something like what happened at Fort Hood never happens to the British army.

There are enough Muslim extremists in the UK even amongst the British born

And they, I'd imagine, are giving the British muslim soldiers some grief. On The Big Question (TV show) a couple of weeks ago there were two muslims. One was a moderate university professor (female) in western clothes, the other a self proclaimed Islamist (male) wearing clothes from his cultural background. He decried the professor for not being a 'real' muslim because of her clothes, because her head was not covered, and because she was an independent woman. His views were intolerant of anything that did not fit his Islam. Fortunately no-one in the audience gave him much credibility, the woman emerged with dignity.


Every culture has extremists, organisations like the BNP & EDL are indicative of extreme views held by 'born and bred' British people. I'm sure there are many extreme groups in your country too, not just Islamists. ;)

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In the first Gulf War more Canadian soldiers were killed by US troops than Iraqis!


Wiki disagrees.


United States - 294 (114 by enemy fire, 145 in accidents, 35 to friendly fire)

Senegal - 92 (accident)

United Kingdom - 47 (38 by enemy fire, 9 to friendly fire)

Saudi Arabia - 18

France - 10 (2 in combat)

Egypt - 2

United Arab Emirates - 6

Syria - 2

Kuwait - 1 (as part of Operation Desert Storm)




No Canadians casualties listed.

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The gunman's identity is unknown, best leave your muslims-bashing off this thread, especially when what you're posting is not true.


You're a joke. You've been posting your phobias for years and now someone says something that you dont like and you go berserk.

Freedom of speech soon disappears dont it?


What I posted has been the truth up to now

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The gunman's identity is unknown, best leave your muslims-bashing off this thread, especially when what you're posting is not true.


The news source said that a soldier in the Afghanistan Army shot the soldiers.

He was of the Muslim religion wasn't he or maybe he might have been a Jehovah Witness or a Mormon :D

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Wiki disagrees.


United States - 294 (114 by enemy fire, 145 in accidents, 35 to friendly fire)

Senegal - 92 (accident)

United Kingdom - 47 (38 by enemy fire, 9 to friendly fire)

Saudi Arabia - 18

France - 10 (2 in combat)

Egypt - 2

United Arab Emirates - 6

Syria - 2

Kuwait - 1 (as part of Operation Desert Storm)




No Canadians casualties listed.


To date, five Canadians, Ali Alwan, Bernard Gooden, Vatche Arslanian, Jonathan J. Simpson and Michael Seeley are known to have died in the conflict.

Ali Alwan: An Iraqi-Canadian, Alwan had lived in Canada for eight years but chose to return to Iraq in August 2004. He was killed in April 2005, with some reports of him being the victim of an American attack. Two other Canadians have been taken hostage by insurgents, but both were released.

Cpl. Bernard Gooden immigrated to Canada in 1997, Gooden joined the Canadian Army Reserves (2 Field Engineers, Toronto) where he served for several years and took a number of combat engineering courses. He also attended Glendon College of York University for 2 years where he lived in Wood residence and studied Political Science. He was a serious and motivated student although short of money. When the 2000-2001 school year was interrupted by a strike at York and his money was running out, he joined the Marines with the belief that they would help with him with his education. Gooden was a member of the 2nd Tank Battalion, 2nd Marine Division and died during a fire fight in April 2003.

Vatche Arslanian was a member of the Red Cross and was killed when his convoy was caught in a fire fight between American and Iraqi Forces.

Sgt. Jonathan J. Simpson a Marine was a dual Canadian and U.S. citizen was killed in combat operation on Oct. 14.

Michael Seeley a Mi'kmaq from New Brunswick, was killed in a bomb attack on October 30




Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_canadian_soldiers_have_died_in_Iraq#ixzz1EcIF8IXe


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We can only hope that shooting up your colleagues is a particularly nasty American phenomena with idiots going berserk in Schools and Military installations and Political rallies etc.....yep lets hope this stupid behavior stays across the Atlantic.


The idiot who went berserk was a US born Muslim and a major in the US army.


As for stupid behaviour what about the Cumbria shootings? Get off your high and mighty pedestal

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The idiot who went berserk was a US born Muslim and a major in the US army.


As for stupid behaviour what about the Cumbria shootings? Get off your high and mighty pedestal

Why don't you think an American shooting his colleagues is stupid? Is there is any point in arguing with the figures that more Americans have turned their guns at ordinary people around them than has happened in Britain?

I actually agreed with you hoping that things that you gave examples of happening in America at the Military installatin doesn't happen here so what's your problem mister?

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