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Muslims in the armed forces

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on a tgread about British Muslims joining the British Army are you suggesting they are doing it to support Hitler? :rolleyes:


The thread title doesn't specify which armed forces Muslims joined; I suppose you just want to focus on the positive British army Muslims and not the Soviet Nazi ones :roll:

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This thread is about Muslims in the armed forces, it doesn't specify which armed forces, I'm merely pointing out that some Muslims joined the German armed forces in WW2 as well as the British.


Any way, if it correct to say that it "says nothing" about Muslims that many of them joined Hitler, it should therefore also say nothing about Muslims that they fought for us.


its says to few muslims join up, so the ones that do might have a special insight into why that is?

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This thread is about Muslims in the armed forces, it doesn't specify which armed forces, I'm merely pointing out that some Muslims joined the German armed forces in WW2 as well as the British.


Any way, if it correct to say that it "says nothing" about Muslims that many of them joined Hitler, it should therefore also say nothing about Muslims that they fought for us.


If you read the link in the OP it is specifically about Muslims in the British armed forces. As has been pointed out Muslims have a long history of service in the British armed forces and the fact that some totally different non-British muslims have fought against the British army shouldn't take anything away from the loyal British muslims who have fought and died under a Union Flag for centuries.

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To date, five Canadians, Ali Alwan, Bernard Gooden, Vatche Arslanian, Jonathan J. Simpson and Michael Seeley are known to have died in the conflict.

Ali Alwan: An Iraqi-Canadian, Alwan had lived in Canada for eight years but chose to return to Iraq in August 2004. He was killed in April 2005, with some reports of him being the victim of an American attack. Two other Canadians have been taken hostage by insurgents, but both were released.

Cpl. Bernard Gooden immigrated to Canada in 1997, Gooden joined the Canadian Army Reserves (2 Field Engineers, Toronto) where he served for several years and took a number of combat engineering courses. He also attended Glendon College of York University for 2 years where he lived in Wood residence and studied Political Science. He was a serious and motivated student although short of money. When the 2000-2001 school year was interrupted by a strike at York and his money was running out, he joined the Marines with the belief that they would help with him with his education. Gooden was a member of the 2nd Tank Battalion, 2nd Marine Division and died during a fire fight in April 2003.

Vatche Arslanian was a member of the Red Cross and was killed when his convoy was caught in a fire fight between American and Iraqi Forces.

Sgt. Jonathan J. Simpson a Marine was a dual Canadian and U.S. citizen was killed in combat operation on Oct. 14.

Michael Seeley a Mi'kmaq from New Brunswick, was killed in a bomb attack on October 30




Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_canadian_soldiers_have_died_in_Iraq#ixzz1EcIF8IXe



Spindrift was talking about the first Gulf War. These deaths appear to be from the sequel.

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and british people did, and french etc etc etc


they have a warped sense of alliegance just like the extreme end of islam, just like certain people on here too


oooo look at the faaaaaarrrrr left melthebel waxing lyrical about:


A - a dogmatic religion


B - the armed forces


two things thar were once anathema to the far left. What changed? oh I know, the ethnicity of the people in them :roll:

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oooo look at the faaaaaarrrrr left melthebel waxing lyrical about:


A - a dogmatic religion


B - the armed forces


two things thar were once anathema to the far left. What changed? oh I know, the ethnicity of the people in them :roll:


personally i dont like either

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oooo look at the faaaaaarrrrr left melthebel waxing lyrical about:


A - a dogmatic religion


B - the armed forces


two things thar were once anathema to the far left. What changed? oh I know, the ethnicity of the people in them :roll:

Seems like you'd be better off going out for playing a game of conkers.

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one muslim in 6000 is in the uk armed forces


one none muslim in 600 is in the uk armed forces


or am i wrong?

With attitude you display on here and if it was to be transmitted to them then I'd expect that one in 6000 to be handing in his notice;) Why lay down your life for pleasure of being hated by those whom you do it for, TBH I don't know why they bothered?
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