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Muslims in the armed forces

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This article is very positive and I have nothing but admiration for those brave solders who are Muslims and who are willing to die for this country,they deserve respect for this.





True. I personally wouldn't join any army but, I think, the Muslim guys in the army are a 'braver' bunch given the situation at the moment. I know that they have an 'option' to not have to engage in Iraq or Afghanistan etc, but just being Muslim and in the army must come with a special sort of stress-both from other Muslims who think you're selling out and non Muslims who don't trust you.

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With attitude you display on here and if it was to be transmitted to them then I'd expect that one in 6000 to be handing in his notice;) Why lay down your life for pleasure of being hated by those whom you do it for, TBH I don't know why they bothered?


what you fail to grasp is i like muslims. i do not like islamic jihadists who kill many and mostly muslims.

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Ahh, but the thread contains the word "Muslims", which makes the thread a prime target for the bigots to rant on.




Same as there are enough christian extremists in the USA.




It would be nice simply without the extremists, let alone those biased against one single religion.




That's known as speculation; not the truth:rolleyes:.



Yes there are religious extremists in the USA. The essential difference from Islamic extremists being that the Christian extremists haven't yet resorted to suicide bombings, planting bombs, forcing women to wear a particular type of clothing, denying them basic rights and stoning to death for adultry.


Years ago I was an admirer of the Islamic culture. I once saw the Moorish architecture in southern Spain, read about how learned they were in the sciences, why even Ghengis Khan was impressed by their culture and learning when he was busy sacking and killing across their part of the world.


Whether you want to admit it or not Islam has been tainted by hate filled extremists such as the Ayatollah Khomenei who preached that westerners were their natural enemies and must be wiped out in a Jihad Holy War.

This distorted and sick philosophy has attracted a lot of followers, mostly gullible, somewhat poorly educated young people. You could almost compare these hate spouting Clerics to the Nazi propagandists of 70 years ago.


I've absolutely nothing at all against il Muslims who practice their religion as it should but the Jihadists and those who apologize for them are just scum and are a very real problem in the world at present

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Yes there are religious extremists in the USA. The essential difference from Islamic extremists being that the Christian extremists haven't yet resorted to suicide bombings, planting bombs, forcing women to wear a particular type of clothing, denying them basic rights and stoning to death for adultry.



Abortion doctors shot dead?




The Oklahoma bomb?


The abuse of women in American religious sects?

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Which source?


None that I can find, perhaps you can post this "source"?


Like this:




Two German soldiers have been killed in northern Afghanistan after a man wearing an Afghan army uniform opened fire on coalition troops repairing a vehicle.


Having read your link he COULD have been a soldier (or not a soldier).

The version of the incident I read about was different and I was quoting from that

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Abortion doctors shot dead?




The Oklahoma bomb?


The abuse of women in American religious sects?


They are not Christians in any sense. You can dress up a chicken and call it a turkey but that doesnt make it one.

They are sects run by power control freaks

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They are not Christians in any sense. You can dress up a chicken and call it a turkey but that doesnt make it one.

They are sects run by power control freaks


The muslim extremists are acting against the religion of peace, no true muslim would adopt violence, it is anathema to Islam.


You are making excuses for the exact same extremist acts of terror as carried out by fundamentalist nutjobs.

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This article is very positive and I have nothing but admiration for those brave solders who are Muslims and who are willing to die for this country,they deserve respect for this.





I'll pay tribute to these soldiers, but because they are brave and British and fighting for their country, not because they're Muslim.

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True. I personally wouldn't join any army but, I think, the Muslim guys in the army are a 'braver' bunch given the situation at the moment. I know that they have an 'option' to not have to engage in Iraq or Afghanistan etc, but just being Muslim and in the army must come with a special sort of stress-both from other Muslims who think you're selling out and non Muslims who don't trust you.
so this opting out from going to iraq or afganistan is just for the muslims then ?do the muslim soldiers get a choice where they go to ?do you feel that muslims in the police force are also very brave ?
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