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Moving up to Sheffield


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Good Luck. King Edward V11 is a good school but you may struggle to get a house in that catchment area for 100k but you might try looking in Walkley.Just means further to walk but I know lots of kids who do walk from Walkley to Crosspool.

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Hi there,

Why don't you consiedr a little further out?

We live in Stocksbridge / Deepcar area with 4 kids (well 3, eldest just moved out!!). All our kids attended local schools all with excellent results. My youngest is in Stocksbridge Juniors, my middle in Stocksbridge High and my eldest still at home is at Penistone Grammer 6th form. All are on a level if not higher than a lot of the schools in Sheffield central, take a look at the relevant statistics, you'll be surprised! There are some old school people up here but there are now many more people from all over the country including my wife (hailing from Essex) and many of my friends.

The kids either attend or have attended various clubs and groups up here most notably the scouts and all have enjoyed it immensly. We are less than 1.5 miles from the open countryside, 20 mins by car from Meadowhell(hall), we have lots of useful local shops including a large co-op supermarket & a Lidl discount supermarket and a proper small town community feel. Best thing is the house prices. Just look on Rightmove etc at S36 postcode area. 3 bed semis from £70,000. And its nowhere near as busy on the roads as it is in Sheffield.

Manc airport 45 mins, M1 5 mins, Leeds 40 mins, York just a bit less than an hour, Sheffield 20 mins, peace and quiet, dooorstep!!

Good luck wherever you end up though, I'm sure you'll be happy in or around Sheffield!

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Wow, thanks again - I went to Stocksbridge with my Sister to take her dogs out in the nearby nature reserve - a really beautiful place - I did not consider it before as I did not realise that it had a high school. Will definitely consider it now though!

My son really enjoys his scouts here having just been 'promoted' to patrol leader so would be great if he could get involved with new activities too. Will check it out in April for sure as it had a lovely feel. Thanks again - I love sheffield so much I think I would be happy in most places there !! Has your wife settled in well as a former Essex girl?

Cheers for taking the trouble to post

: ) x

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Yes she's very happy up here. We both have some great mates and have had some fantastic times. We feel that our kids have all developed into well rounded people thanks to many factors but definitely assisted by where we are.

But do you research! Many Sheffield areas have a high concentration of students which you may think would be great but is a complete pain during term time when you can't park due to the multiple occupancy house having 3 or 4 cars associated with them or the 2 am stumble home from the pub which is great for those concerned but not if you (or your kids) are trying to sleep. Other than that, the west side of the city, whether north or southside, is your best bet, Let us know what happens!

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Hi Tommy teacake,

Thanks for replying and for pm too - good advice cheers - I have been doing more research into Stocksbridge and am very impressed by schools and facilities! I used to be involved in amateur drama before I moved to my current location and miss it very much. It looks as though there are opportunities for me to take up a lot of my old hobbies and be part of a real community if we moved here. The school looks good too and the scout webpage very promising.

Really we wanted to move somewhere near a thriving diverse city, with good school, health and fitness facilities, shops, library and activities for us all to get involved with. So Stocksbridge sounds ideal - paying a cheaper rent until we buy would also mean less pressure for me to find a job straight away. So we are very excited to research this further. Discussing the move with my hubbie, we thought being in such a rural location now a city location might be a bit full on to begin with, we might settle in a bit better if we could keep the pluses of where we are now but with all the advantages of living in a happy busier community.

Is Stocksbridge far from Hillsborough - to be near my sister? Also are there darts teams in Harwich? its the only hobby my husband would miss when we move? Thanks xx

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Well, me and the OH came up to Hillsborough (stayed at my sisters) at the weekend to have a look around. It was a fleeting visit though as had to get back to work....

Long long drive (in my corsa) so my guess is that when we move, our friends visits will be fairly rare...

Anyway, we had a good look at Stocksbridge and liked it! My hubbie went to see Man FC vs Steelers (met up with his Manchester cousin) and had a really good time -

Even managed to look at a few houses!

My impressions of the area is that its quiet and out of the way (but in a positive way)

was not mad keen on the leisure centre though seemed a bit basic? - and the Venue was empty. (shame as I liked the look of the activities they offer)

The library shut by the time we got there - I would have liked some more information on the area to be honest but as I said flying visit. Had lunch in cafe very nice and good walk around. Husband had a pint in 'the friendship' as was anything but!!

Since returning have been reading the forums by searching Stocksbridge to find out more information - really sick of the six fingers jokes etc. So am still keen to move there!!

I looked at a few houses in Marsh st, Harvey, green st - are these nice roads? seemed nice people anyone give me a different perspective?

Going back in April for a good look again so any information on Stocky would be appreciated - such a big thing for me and my family just want to do the right thing!! am I just replacing this for the same I live in a quiet rural area in essex now! Is there a good sense of community in Stocksbridge. I would continue to teach keep fit/ Yoga and Pilates when I move is there a need for this in Stocksbridge and the surrounding areas?

Thanks in advance guys

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