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Cameron announces wholesale privatisation of public services

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If what you said in your original statement is anything to go by, then what you think you saw and what actually happened are probably not the same thing.


As I said, nothing I say will convince you otherwise. So I won't bother trying to convert the politically biased.

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anyone interested should have watched despatches on ch4 tonight about NHS catering and food. All you need to know was on show there, with private company Sodexo (one of the largest would be gainers from public sector privatisation) shown up for what they are, a money making concern.

Profit can be made from supplying food to the NHS at the cost of enjoyable, nourishing food for patients, and thats what they are good at.

Programme showed that many NHS hospitals were built without catering kitchens to save money, and all meals are made off site, shipped in from hundreds of miles away, and reheated on site. disgusting doesnt cover the quality of the food provided.


think of any privatised service, ie gas/electric/rail/buses.

all the profit is made from the easy options, the difficult non profit routes/services etc are cut and cut.

welcome to the future if they are allowed to do this to the NHS.

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everyone fell for the line that the NHS would be ringfenced. they didnt include any wording on changing the fundholding arrangements to put all the money in the hands of GP's, and now ensuring that private companies and voluntary organisations can bid to run services. proper back door privatisation. Capita , Serco, etc etc etc are all BIG money players who will only run the profitable money making NHS services, they will not want any part in the non profit making parts.

Get used to paying for Hospital visits for anything non standard that can't be done easily, quickly and profitably. Get used to contract workers who care little for the NHS, who are on minimum wage and have no pension scheme, so no interest in doing a semi decent job.


the gov't should have put in their manifesto what they intended to do with the NHS, like they did with other public sector services, many of which are already outsourced and poor quality.


The NHS has improved due to increased spending and can be improved further still no doubt, but why allow private companies to make a profit from it?


My sentiments exactly

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I can't be arsed to write an essay so I'll put in in three words.


A crying shame. :(


so, so true.:(


have seen previous tory govt spend many yrs trying to get to this point, current govt now seizing poss their best ever opportunity to do it. labour play a part also, they actively encouraged pfi within NHS rather than using mortgages, which has wasted billions of pounds of our future cash tied up for next 30+yrs, private banks and business now raping the NHS with lucrative deals they cant be chucked out of.

shares in the massive companies like capita/sodexo might be a good investment now!

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Has to be better than the current situation where people **** it up the wall all their lives and then expect other people to work on their behalf.


There is far too much corruption and nepotism in the public sector. Lets start running public services the benefit of those that pay for it, instead of for those working within it. There are far too many people getting rich skimming public money while providing no improved level of service whatsoever.


Yes lets privatise and give more money to the Tories friends who will make you pay for everything, sod the poor they don't matter, the good old Tory policy of looking after the rich. People will not be able to afford to be ill, if they are on the minimum wage how will they pay, not everyone can afford private health insurance. Oh and if you have had a serious illness before forget it, they will load the premiums or not cover for pre existing illnesses. I don't know the answer to the problem but I know letting the Tories privatise it means that the poorer people and the elderly will suffer.

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In any case, it seems the the majority of private sector firms agree that public sector workers are not skilled enough to compete in the real, unsubsidised world:


Private firms 'wary of hiring' public sector workers


The 'real unsubsidised world' where the people at the very top of the free market system (the bankers) have just got the biggest subsidy in the history of global economics?


But never mind such minor details as that and the fact that most privatised services become increasingly degraded as the unprofitable areas are discarded (eg the postal service and buses). Why let mere facts get in the way of ideological dogma?

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