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Need advice about Disciplinary procedures hearing

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I have been called to a discplinary meeting because another staff member as made a statement that i have said unprofessional things about others at work, however most of what they have written is untrue or been my words twisted, i can also prove some of the statement is false, however im really scared of the outcome as it will go down to who they believe me or them, my only ray of hope is the person making the statements is also attending the meeting , making it look like the company want to resolve is issue, however i still cant help being scared that im out of a job

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I think you need to get all your proof that some of the statements are untrue together to take into the meeting, you can also take someone into the meeting as a witness to the proceedings so the info you give can be verified.


You cannot lose your job this easily.

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Its interesting that you say "most ...is untrue" or "been your words twisted".


Any disciplinary process should be preceded by an investigation which usually results in you being invited to an investigatory meeting. The results of the investigation then determines whether a disciplinary meeting is needed at all.


Check you employment contract / handbook to ensure the process is being done correctly.


Also be very careful what you say to people and how it is said. Someone has obviously been upset enough to raise this grievance against you.

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Take a union rep if possible. If not, ask for another rep to support you, someone who will remain professional and remain calm. They should make notes as part of the meeting. Ask to see the notes and check they are a true representation of what has been said. Sign each page and date. Ask appropriate questions, and get your rep to note the answers. Prepare questions ad evidence in advance, and find out what right to appeal you have if you disagree with the outcome or believe you have been treated unfairly. Good Luck

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thanks for the advise , i have a representative and some proof , this person has actually disclosed some comments i actually made in response to hers, however she has failed to disclose this thats why they are some truth in whats been written ,yet she fails to show her own comments or actions.. i feel that its just gunna be a case of he said she said etc etc, very very scared at min

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Loubbe is correct, if you take in a Rep who is not a steward ask them to remain silent unless a point needs clarifying. Take lots of notes,keep your cool and remember the person making allegations HAS to prove it. YOU don't have to prove you didn't say anything.

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Not sure what you said but unless is was maybe slanderous then I would not think that this would count as gross misconduct. This means that the normal procedures should go ahead which is something like two verbal warnings, two written warnings before being shown the door.


Did you receive a letter inviting you to the hearing? If so, does it say that you can take a representative with you? If not, they have broken the rules.


Many years ago I used to be a union rep and the employer I worked for tried to discipline someone for their continued sickness absence. However, the employer missed out a stage somewhere - something like not giving written confirmation of a previous verbal warning. The employee was millimetres away from being sacked but the union managed to get all previous warnings quashed.


When is the hearing? If there is time, see if an employee lawyer will offer you a half hour free session - or even pay for longer if you think that you are not n the wrong.



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