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Will you be a "Big Society" volunteer?

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Volunteers, are generally, not capable of doing the same job as a paid employee. They're usually well meaning people with spare time.


I don't understand how the government is insisting, rightly, that the unemployed should find jobs, while at the same time ensuring their are less jobs available...

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Because i already work 50 hours a week away from home trying to help repay a massive hole in our economy left by our red friends labour


They did mess up that's true. However, I always thought the problem was brought about by the banking crisis? I think its simplistic to just blame Labour...

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Volunteers, are generally, not capable of doing the same job as a paid employee.


WHAT!!!!!!!!! I'm dissecting this one, if you really believe that inaccurate generalisation about volunteers your insane.

How can you even say that without disguising the huge pile of stinking ignorance you just piled up in front of you.

Volunteers are the backbone of society, when the system fails, when the businesses break it's the volunteers that are still there volunteering.


Ask yourself this, who are the volunteers?

Before you go generalising and judging them.


I would put a volunteer over a paid worker anyday, a paid worker is going to get their pay at the end of the week and may not feel obliged to put as much effort in as the volunteer who is doing it for the most part to help those who struggle to help themselves.


Correct your attitude dude.


They're usually well meaning people


Couldn't agree more, and at least you are giving them some credit even if it is far from what they deserve.


with spare time.


I used to work 9-5, 5 days a week, friday evening I'd go out collecting around the pubs for a local charity, one that I believed passionately in.

Run by a local disabled man who himself had been out collecting for over forty years to provide holidays for other disabled children.

It may not sound so extravagant to be taking groups of local disabled children to skegness for a week, but us volunteers worked hard for those children to go on holidays, year in year out.

Saturday I would spend 9-5 out collecting for this cause, and from 6-11 doing the pubs again, did the car boots on Sundays.

My spare time was between 5-11pm monday to thursday.

So yeah volunteers do get some spare time.


Oh and before I forget, I used to book all my working holidays in one bulk so that I could spend my time collecting for those kids.


I hope this post helps you to understand things a little clearer.

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