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More positive news about muslims..gay muslim marriages

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Nicely done :hihi:


No one is asking about peoples sexuality and if I were to do that I think I could expect the proverbial slap on the face and be told it is nothing to do with me.


Yet in the next breath these same people are shouting it from the roof tops. How is that for hypocrisy.

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Sometimes things come out in the course of conversation while other people have an agenda.


This is a forum, things don't come out in conversation - you sit and type them in and as none of have met each other the only way you can know anything about forum members is what you have read on here so, Grahame dear, on here everyone has an agenda including you:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Of course we are all different, but do I want to know the colour of their wallpaper or what they had for dinner? Too much information, and I always thought 'private' as in someone's "private life" meant just that.


It seems you personal interpretation of 'private' as well as Christianity is something you need to instil on others. Why should my interpretation of private be that of yours? What makes your interpretation so special? Why is it important for others to think and act the same way as you?

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The Old Testament Jews were not Christians, they were related to Mohamed through Abram. Their violent ways flagrantly disregarded and violated both the Ten Commandments and the law of love, “thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:18). Jesus restated and re-emphasised them and many Jews returned to God by following Jesus.



Sorry, Grahame, but people do go on:help::roll:

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Why would a gay atheist want to get married in church if it wasn't to cause trouble?


When was the last gay atheist married in a church? If so what trouble did it cause?


Who knows, by marrying atheists in church the church may just convert, or have you lost your conviction?


There are many reasons why a non believer may marry in church. Family, partner. You don't have to bury your convictions because of someone else's..isn't that what tolerance is about?

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It seems you personal interpretation of 'private' as well as Christianity is something you need to instil on others. Why should my interpretation of private be that of yours? What makes your interpretation so special? Why is it important for others to think and act the same way as you?


My interpretation of private is how the dictionary defines it.

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This is what he said and there are many smokers who said the same thing when they were blowing smoke in peoples faces.


Highlighting part of a post to take something out of context if frowned upon by the mods. The post relate directly to sexuality; which is of no one's business except the poster's.


It is simple good manners not to cause offence.


It's also good manners to not use people's quotes out of context to try and score points.


That is not what I am saying. I am talking about how people behave in public and how they flaunt themselves and create waves like many gay people do which is what steiner was commenting on.


So you have a problem when you see a man and a woman kiss on the street?


You have a problem when you see a man and woman walking hand in hand?


Just lets say that people are very quick to talk about respect but they show scant respect for others.


Repect such as this?


You can put your fishing rod away Halibut, and your wooden spoon, there's no need to keep stirring. :D


So you won't answer the question (I'm sure you've said you answer all question posed to you on here on many occasions).


How is that for hypocrisy.


Oh dear.:shakes:

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