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More positive news about muslims..gay muslim marriages

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When was the last gay atheist married in a church? If so what trouble did it cause?


Who knows, by marrying atheists in church the church may just convert, or have you lost your conviction?


There are many reasons why a non believer may marry in church. Family, partner. You don't have to bury your convictions because of someone else's..isn't that what tolerance is about?


Nimrod explained it better than I can




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jesus explicitly warned against judging people grahame, your attitude is very un -christian.


Also (using the logic of the poster in question) as he is neither gay nor muslim, surely he should (in his own words) "butt out":hihi:

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Also (using the logic of the poster in question) as he is neither gay nor muslim, surely he should (in his own words) "butt out":hihi:


I was going to say that earlier, because you people by trying to trip me up are taking the thread way off topic, so perhaps you ought to return to the subject of gay Muslims and not me.


I apologise for being so interesting. :D


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No one is asking about peoples sexuality and if I were to do that I think I could expect the proverbial slap on the face and be told it is nothing to do with me.


Yet in the next breath these same people are shouting it from the roof tops. How is that for hypocrisy.


Except that gay people aren't one great lumpen mass, with all of them holding the same opinions and behaving in exactly the same way, any more than all Christians hold the same opinions and behave in exactly the same way (thank goodness).


It's no more hypocrisy for one gay person to consider their sexual preference to be a private matter, while another is happy to shout it from the roof tops, than it is for one Christian to consider their religion to be a private matter, while others seek to force their version of Christianity down other people's throats.

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I was going to say that earlier, because you people by trying to trip me up are taking the thread way off topic, so perhaps you ought to return to the subject of gay Muslims and not me.


I apologise for being so interesting. :D


Delete "interesting"


Insert "hypocritical and a very poor christian"

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My interpretation of private is how the dictionary defines it.


You now bandy with words, you know exactly what I meant. How you act on the interpretation is the key point.


So, are you more offended if a gay Muslim atheist confided in you the type of wallpaper he has, as opposed to a heterosexual muslim atheist? Muslim, gay, and atheist must be very confusing for you in the same sentence. I apologise.


What is it you find so publicly offensive about the gay community but justify your bigotry with your suggestion 'It's ok if they do it in private'? whatever "it" is, as you've already been asked the question without a reply.

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You now bandy with words, you know exactly what I meant. How you act on the interpretation is the key point.


So, are you more offended if a gay Muslim atheist confided in you the type of wallpaper he has, as opposed to a heterosexual muslim atheist? Muslim, gay, and atheist must be very confusing for you in the same sentence. I apologise.


What is it you find so publicly offensive about the gay community but justify your bigotry with your suggestion 'It's ok if they do it in private'? whatever "it" is, as you've already been asked the question without a reply.


My problem with gays is what you are giving me now, its called "attitude."

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I was going to say that earlier, because you people by trying to trip me up are taking the thread way off topic


Maybe it'd be better for everybody if you didn't post on this thread any more then?


Unless you'd care to answer:


That is not what I am saying. I am talking about how people behave in public and how they flaunt themselves and create waves like many gay people do which is what steiner was commenting on.


So you have a problem when you see a man and a woman kiss on the street?


You have a problem when you see a man and woman walking hand in hand?

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That's utter garbage, sweeping generalisations and rank prejudice.


And this bit of it is absolute tosh:


"Acceptance is a slow process, it will come 'all in good time'. Forcing an issue only hardens attitudes."


it's a good job not everybody believes that nonsense, otherwise the working man (and woman) still wouldn't have a vote, we'd still be sending children up chimneys and down mines, workers would be killed in factories to save the owners a few bob by not fitting safety features, and a lot of people would be living in rat-infested slums, 10 to a room!

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