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More positive news about muslims..gay muslim marriages

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"Eating feces is also known as coprophagia. This is bad for one's body. A person who eats feces is at risk of getting sick through hepatitis, infection, and AIDS. Those with a weak immune system should not eat feces. There is also social problems with eating feces. It causes bad breath and is a taboo."


And you want this sort of thing legalised!!!! :rant::help:




I think we've already established, quite clearly that most people don't indulge in that sort of thing, whether gay or straight.

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I have always said that behaving outside the 'norm' causes disease and what I have always found disgusting is that people argue against me and say I am wrong. Goodness knows what it says about them. :mad:


perhaps you should be more concerned about what it says about you


planks in the eye and all that

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