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More positive news about muslims..gay muslim marriages

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You may then have missed reading the post I quoted and the one you replied to a tiny section of (post#31.)


The quote of what I was replying to sir


That doesn't say that being gay is enlightenment:confused:


You're not really making much sense.

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Well put Kaimani and Radar.Be gay if you want just do not push being gay progressive it is not.


Being gay isn't a matter of "want" - it's a straightforward biological fact, not a choice.


And absolutely nobody has suggested that being gay is "progressive".


Some people, who obviously have difficulty in understanding written English, have certainly managed to misinterpret one poster's response, but that doesn't change what s/he actually wrote.

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your spot on.


The beeb article is quite PC, as usual they dare not even identify who put the stickers out.

PinkPaper.com is more to the point; Islamists spark anger after calling for gay-free zone in East London.


We should respect their calling for gay free zones though, after all this is a multicultural utopian society and all cultures are equal even those that want gay free zones.

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The beeb article is quite PC, as usual they dare not even identify who put the stickers out.

PinkPaper.com is more to the point; Islamists spark anger after calling for gay-free zone in East London.


We should respect their calling for gay free zones though, after all this is a multicultural utopian society and all cultures are equal even those that want gay free zones.


No one knows who has put up those 'Gay Free Zone' posters. There's a persistent rumour that they have been put up by the EDL in order to stir up anti-muslim feelings, which seems at least plausible to me.


I'm also prepared to believe they have been put up by homophobic muslims, but the truth definitely needs to be found out.

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