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An end to Public Services

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UK coal was the cheapest in the EEC and had the lowest level of subsidies.

But not cheaper than shipping Polish and Australian coal for thousands of miles.




Where are Labour's policies? I was hoping that they would have offered something to make themselves a credible opposition but sadly there is nothing. This is not good for the UK.

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Who was responsible for the jobs being there in the first place?



Don't be ridiculous. Products are ridiculously cheap at the moment. Think you'd be able to buy a DVD player for £16 if they were made in this country?



There isn't anything governments could have done.



It'll be the middle class in the BRIC countries that keep the world economy going.



So you dont see the fact that there is a universal shafting going on?

An Indonesian is being paid the equivalent of two US dollars a day to stitch together a pair Nike cross trainer shoes which retail in the US for anything upwards of 55-60 dollars.

Walmart tell a clothing manufacturer in Guatamala that they want 500,000 thousand shirts made but the manufacturing cost to be cheaper than the same order they placed the year before. The manufacturer cant meet that requirement so Walmart dump him and place the order with another company in Sri Lanka who will do it for the lower cost


Billions of dollars of taxpayers money was used to bail out inept lending institutions and banks yet CEOs are still getting huge bonuses and small businesses that are becoming the main employers are not getting loans to expand from these banks and institutions.


Yes, some products are probably cheap due to cheap foreign labour but how long will all that last? When will the day come when the third world get sick and tired of never seeing their standard of living improve while ours is under threat?

It's not a healthy situation especially when the scenario is heading towards 20 percent of the population owning everything

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UK coal was the cheapest in the EEC and had the lowest level of subsidies. It was a long way from being in a mess.


Have you ever heard of desulpherisation?


Like Tony has already said, foreign coal was far cheaper due to the massive subsidies their Governments gave them.


It was cheaper to buy foreign coal than use English coal, and that was before any expensive de-sulpurisation.


As for Labour's affordable spending, that's just a complete joke.


This article from 2008 warns that Labour's spending and debt was getting out of control - to a trillion pounds. Yet they carried on with stupid projects that were blowing money like it was going out of fashion.


I've seen first hand some of Labour's BSF schools and the needless expense gone on them - £25 million for a seondary school. £2.5 million just for the IT equipment, which could have been easily done for £800,000. And that was CISCO bank-grade equipment that is just not being utilised. All because the consultants were running the show and Labour were just signing blank cheques.




and there's a nice graph on their spending here:




And what about the spiralling cost of ID cards? Originally budgeted at £3 BILLION it shot up to £5 Bn before Labour were thrown out. All that money wasted.

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And a nice blog from Baroness Warsi


We all know that over 13 years the last Labour government spent huge sums of money and left us to deal with the biggest budget deficit in our peacetime history. But what we didn’t know was just how wasteful they were with our money.


From wasting £12 billion on an NHS computer system that didn’t work to kitting out regional fire offices with £6,000 luxury coffee-making machines, Labour showed complete contempt for taxpayers’ money up and down this country.


Despite this reckless spending and waste, Labour remain in complete denial about their legacy. They blame the bankers, the recession, the global downturn – everyone and anyone – except themselves.





The fire offices she talks about are STILL left idle:


Lingley Mere Fire Centre example of Labour waste

The north west centre in Warrington was originally supposed to have gone live in 2009 but has been standing idle for ages costing the taxpayer £100,000 a month.





Don't even bother trying to defend Labour, you just can't.

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And a nice blog from Baroness Warsi






Don't even bother trying to defend Labour, you just can't.


Where did she get the information from, just made it up? It seems all the Tories can do is blame Labour despite the fact that economists disagree with the Tories.


And nobody has been able to answer the question I asked. if the Tories cleared the deficit, then what?

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