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Thoughts for the people in Christchurch, NZ

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I'm surprised at the loss of life to be honest. NZ has hundreds of quakes every year, advanced warning systems and "quake friendly" buildings unlike some of the third world places that suffer major quakes.


My Aunt lives out there and has been through numerous quakes but this is the first one I can recall with significant casualties.

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They've just said on the news that it was the timing more than anything. In the middle of the day and there were lots of people around when it struck.


It's not been a good year for Down Under so far, has it? What with all the dramas and disasters in Oz and now this for NZ. :( My thoughts are certainly with the people of Christchurch today.

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I'm surprised at the loss of life to be honest. NZ has hundreds of quakes every year, advanced warning systems and "quake friendly" buildings unlike some of the third world places that suffer major quakes.


My Aunt lives out there and has been through numerous quakes but this is the first one I can recall with significant casualties.


You're right -there has mainly been loss of property and minimal human casualties since 1931.

It is 65 - so far

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It's heartwarming to see the level of concern expressed by SFers for the people of Christchurch and NZ. Almost as noteworthy as the concern expressed over our compatriots suffering in Oz. :(




Part of me wonders if it is disaster fatigue or whether NZ is just one of those countries we expect to get on and cope without the hand-wringing, wailing and tears that sometimes afflicts other countries.


I was tearful watching the scenes on the news tonight, maybe more so because I've spent a month in Christchurch and know what a wonderful it is.

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Ordinarily a 6 point something earthquake while strong enough shouldn't do the amount of damage that this quake did. However Christchurch because of it's proximity to the ocean is built on sand and that makes the effects of the quake much worse.

Also a lot depends if the buildings are built to withstand quakes. From what I've seen on the news some of the ones that were destroyed were constructed of concrete blocks or bricks


Hope that the young woman Ann Voss, who was trapped under a desk in one of the demolished buildings gets pulled to safety.


God bless all in the city anyway

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