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Has anyone seen Pat Condell on youtube? ??

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Typical Brit that moans, moans, & moans. Is deluded by his own bs. Only difference is that he is on the net & not in the pub or at a Wednesday football match :o


Whilst I don't agree with everything he says caricaturing him as some sort of yobbish football hooligan is completely ridiculous.


He absolutely does not come across as the kind of person who goes to football matches or spends any time down the pub.


Still, it's easier to label those whose views you disagree with as stupid isn't it?


He's a whiny sod, for sure, not not in the way you say.

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Typical Brit that moans, moans, & moans. Is deluded by his own bs. Only difference is that he is on the net & not in the pub or at a Wednesday football match :o
I watched both United and Wednesday lose in the FA Cup fifth round. If I still lived in Sheffield, I'd be moaning too:)
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I enjoy his stuff. I'm subscribed to his channel. As unpalatable, to some, his views are, he's right, in general. He can't be described as a right wing loony who hates Islam for the sake of it. He does frequently support people who are Muslim but suffer because of the religion.


Richard Dawkins has links to his stuff from his own channel, and he's hardly a right wing loony either.


In particular I like his stuff about how debates of this kind are frequently shut down by the "racist, fascist" type name calling by the left.


Other good questions he raises are how halal meat is now widely sold without the consumer being informed and he also speaks a lot of sense about how the media is sensored so not to offend Muslim groups. Ie the pictures of Mohamed in the Danish press...

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So Condell caused a commotion with his video entitled 'Saudi Britain which was flagged for violation of the Community Guidelines as he said that the all Saudis were mentally ill. This is a favourite phrase of Condell, and whilst he made a second video which 'clarified' what he said (he apparently meant to say tht Saudi laws are insane - which is something altogether different).



Pat Condell loves to label Muslims in particular as mentally ill, as he has done in the past with those Muslims who chose to cover their faces.



I think that we can forgive Condell an isolated incident or slip of the tongue, but when you string together his entire back catalogue of videos I'm sure you will find many slips of the tongue along the same lines as hate speech.



How many times can this happen before you have to say that he is either walking a thin line when he writes his diatribes, or he is just being flat out hateful?



I think you're right in saying he hates the Muslim religion, but then it's not compulsory to like it is it? And he argues his case rationally, so fair enough. We don't have to watch his videos if we don't want to, but I believe he has a right to express his views.

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I think you're right in saying he hates the Muslim religion, but then it's not compulsory to like it is it? And he argues his case rationally, so fair enough. We don't have to watch his videos if we don't want to, but I believe he has a right to express his views.


I think you will find it is compulsory. :suspect:

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I have seen Pat Condell on YouTube, had a link to one of his videos as my signature for a while.


I think he is a calm, composed and rational individual, and a lot of what he says is on the money.


Is it calm composed and rational to use language like "primitive pigs whose only achievement in life is to be born with a penis in one hand and a Qur'an in the other"? or that "Muslim women in Britain who cover their faces are mentally ill"?


He is not just wrong he uses inflammatory language that obscures what merit there might be in his points... (mostly there is little point).


Here for example he talks about the "Ground Zero mosque"


"To describe it as they have as a tribute to the victims is beyond bad taste, and shows a profound contempt for those who died. It would be hard to find a more provocative gesture short of standing on their graves and burning the American flag. Yet how typical of Islam, with its own hair trigger sensitivity to the slightest imagined insult, to do something so arrogant and insensitive."


Not only is he wrong, he also comes across as stupid since it appears to be himself that has the "hair trigger sensitivity to the slightest imagined insult".


I expect the hyperbole comes from his comedy background and he thinks the strong language helps emphasise his points for comedic effect.... The problem is he isn't in the slightest bit funny and just comes across as a ranting unhinged bore with a chip on his shoulder.


"calm, composed and rational" are the last words I would use to describe him.

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