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Has anyone seen Pat Condell on youtube? ??

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Is it calm composed and rational to use language like "primitive pigs whose only achievement in life is to be born with a penis in one hand and a Qur'an in the other"? or that "Muslim women in Britain who cover their faces are mentally ill"?


He is not just wrong he uses inflammatory language that obscures what merit there might be in his points... (mostly there is little point).


Here for example he talks about the "Ground Zero mosque"


"To describe it as they have as a tribute to the victims is beyond bad taste, and shows a profound contempt for those who died. It would be hard to find a more provocative gesture short of standing on their graves and burning the American flag. Yet how typical of Islam, with its own hair trigger sensitivity to the slightest imagined insult, to do something so arrogant and insensitive."


Not only is he wrong, he also comes across as stupid since it appears to be himself that has the "hair trigger sensitivity to the slightest imagined insult".


I expect the hyperbole comes from his comedy background and he thinks the strong language helps emphasise his points for comedic effect.... The problem is he isn't in the slightest bit funny and just comes across as a ranting unhinged bore with a chip on his shoulder.


"calm, composed and rational" are the last words I would use to describe him.


He might have a comedy background and his website might profess 'Godless Comedy', but I don't think any of it is funny, on the contrary, it's deadly serious. I can't comment on the specific quote you provided and it would be ignorant to do so without viewing the whole video to see it in context, but certainly the ones I have seen he seems very reasonable and informed.


Many would agree with him about the Ground Zero Mosque. He has an opinion, 'wrong' is just your opinion of his opinion.

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Many would agree with him about the Ground Zero Mosque. He has an opinion, 'wrong' is just your opinion of his opinion.



Only if they laboured under the misapprehension that the mosque is actually at Ground Zero, as you appear to be doing.


Condell's wrong. He made it up.


Notice the language he uses in the video – he claims that the mosque will be "a few yards" from ground zero, which is patently false – it's a few city blocks, not even in view of ground zero.


He's wrong. So are you.


Condell claims that allowing Muslims to build the mosque is a victory tactic meant to rub the atrocity of 9/11 in the faces of peaceful Americans, and explicitly states that Islam is the "religion that murdered" the victims.


He's wrong. So are you.



This inane view of his is derived from his belief that there is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim, and that all Muslims – including the ten million or so in the U.S. that haven't blown up anything or hurt anyone – not only approve of but actively support and cheer the destruction of American citizens, apparently including the 30 or so Muslims who were killed in the 9/11 attacks.



This is exactly the kind of bigotry that those of us who support the mosque, or at least the freedom of those who wish the build it, are trying to combat.





Condell is telling stupid, inflammatory lies in order to hoodwink the gullible racists.


It's depressing that he succeeds so easily with some people.

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I thought you followed his act, that's why I'm asking you.


Does he really support Muslims who suffer because of their religion, or does he just exploit them?Genuine questions.




He is obsessed.


Even his non titled Islam bashing videos he is Islam bashing.

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Pat Condell says it like only Pat Condell can, Nobel Prize winners have quoted him, the english parliment had an internal email quoting him, basically most people agree with his views, but dont have the balls like Pat to say it. Top boy.

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Pat Condell says it like only Pat Condell can, Nobel Prize winners have quoted him, the english parliment had an internal email quoting him, basically most people agree with his views, but dont have the balls like Pat to say it. Top boy.


Which nobel prize winners would they be?

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He is obsessed.


Even his non titled Islam bashing videos he is Islam bashing.




What an idiot Condell is! This "Mosque" is 3 blocks away and there are restaurants, pubs and a strip club that are closer to ground zero. It has been there for decades they are just extending it. Is he going to extend New York to be counted as Ground ZERO?


It's ignorance, hatred and lies like the garbage Condell comes out with that stokes hatred among stupid racists.


It's not big and it's not clever to spout inflammatory lies to whip up racial intolerance.

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What an idiot Condell is! This "Mosque" is 3 blocks away and there are restaurants, pubs and a strip club that are closer to ground zero. It has been there for decades they are just extending it. Is he going to extend New York to be counted as Ground ZERO?


It's ignorance, hatred and lies like the garbage Condell comes out with that stokes hatred among stupid racists.


It's not big and it's not clever to spout inflammatory lies to whip up racial intolerance.


Totally agree with you Spindrift.



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