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Has anyone seen Pat Condell on youtube? ??

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What an idiot Condell is! This "Mosque" is 3 blocks away and there are restaurants, pubs and a strip club that are closer to ground zero. It has been there for decades they are just extending it. Is he going to extend New York to be counted as Ground ZERO?


It's ignorance, hatred and lies like the garbage Condell comes out with that stokes hatred among stupid racists.


It's not big and it's not clever to spout inflammatory lies to whip up racial intolerance.


You're getting a bit carried away aren't you?

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This inane view of his is derived from his belief that there is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim, and that all Muslims – including the ten million or so in the U.S. that haven't blown up anything or hurt anyone – not only approve of but actively support and cheer the destruction of American citizens, apparently including the 30 or so Muslims who were killed in the 9/11 attacks.


I'd be interested if you could back this up with some evidence. Were this true then it would lower the man significantly in my eyes. I suspect however, that you have made this up.

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In a new video, Pat is at it again, suggesting that it's ludicrous to frame the mosque as a "freedom of religion" issue:


He again paints all Muslims under the brush of extremism, suggesting that the site is an attempt by Muslims to


"rub [their] religion in people's faces as a triumphal political statement."


Let me tell you, if all ten million Muslims in the U.S. want to blow people up, bathe in their blood and crush everyone else under the rule of Sharia Law, they're doing a really rubbish job of it.



In fact, they're not really doing much of a job of it at all.







So, you've got a man posting lies designed carefully to confuse and frighten racists.


He msirepresents what's happening and uses those lies to demonise an entire section of society.


How is that helpful?

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Totally agree with you Spindrift.




I like Mike D's stuff from the link above:


If any American Muslims actually try to institute Sharia Law as they have in Britain, I'll staunchly oppose it.



If they try to commit acts of violence toward other citizens or alter the curricula of public schools to favor an Islam-centered viewpoint (as fundamentalist Christians try to do to suit their own viewpoint).



But as it stands, peaceful, law-abiding Muslims have every right to build their place of worship.


If that bothers you, well, there are plenty of other countries where freedom of speech and religion are oppressed.



Perhaps you'd be better suited to living in, I dunno, Iran.

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This inane view of his is derived from his belief that there is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim, and that all Muslims – including the ten million or so in the U.S. that haven't blown up anything or hurt anyone – not only approve of but actively support and cheer the destruction of American citizens, apparently including the 30 or so Muslims who were killed in the 9/11 attacks.


I've not seen him claim that in any of his videos that I've seen yet, I'd appreciate if you could link to the video where he claims this.


Pat Condell has a problem with Islam, Islamic ideology, religion in general, and the ceeding of Western ideals and norms to Islamic values, I don't think he has a problem with Muslims just by virtue of being Muslim, in fact that seems to be a smokescreen put up by his detractors such as yourself tbh.

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I don't think he has a problem with Muslims just by virtue of being Muslim, .



And yet you were more than willing to accept his lies about the planned mosque at face value.


Didn't it occur to you to check to see whether what he was saying was true before leaping to his defence?


You believed it because you want to believe it, it reaffirms your prejudice, you didn't make even rudimentary checks on whether what he was claiming is true, you swallowed the lies hook, line and sinker.

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And yet you were more than willing to accept his lies about the planned mosque at face value.


Didn't it occur to you to check to see whether what he was saying was true before leaping to his defence?


You believed it because you want to believe it, it reaffirms your prejudice, you didn't make even rudimentary checks on whether what he was claiming is true, you swallowed the lies hook, line and sinker.


Quote please?

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And yet you were more than willing to accept his lies about the planned mosque at face value.


Didn't it occur to you to check to see whether what he was saying was true before leaping to his defence?


You believed it because you want to believe it, it reaffirms your prejudice, you didn't make even rudimentary checks on whether what he was claiming is true, you swallowed the lies hook, line and sinker.


Its 600 feet from where the world trade centre was...


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Only if they laboured under the misapprehension that the mosque is actually at Ground Zero, as you appear to be doing.


Condell's wrong. He made it up.


Notice the language he uses in the video – he claims that the mosque will be "a few yards" from ground zero, which is patently false – it's a few city blocks, not even in view of ground zero.

He's wrong. So are you.


Condell claims that allowing Muslims to build the mosque is a victory tactic meant to rub the atrocity of 9/11 in the faces of peaceful Americans, and explicitly states that Islam is the "religion that murdered" the victims.


He's wrong. So are you.



This inane view of his is derived from his belief that there is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim, and that all Muslims – including the ten million or so in the U.S. that haven't blown up anything or hurt anyone – not only approve of but actively support and cheer the destruction of American citizens, apparently including the 30 or so Muslims who were killed in the 9/11 attacks.



This is exactly the kind of bigotry that those of us who support the mosque, or at least the freedom of those who wish the build it, are trying to combat.





Condell is telling stupid, inflammatory lies in order to hoodwink the gullible racists.


It's depressing that he succeeds so easily with some people.


Perhaps he's using the same spin as you.

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