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Terrorism has reached a whole new level.

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Ban the pickle jar.




FOUR OAKS, NC (WTVD) -- Johnston County deputies have charged a Four Oaks woman with assault inflicting serious injury after she allegedly hit an acquaintance with a jar of pickles.


OMG - I've just realised. Some chippies sell pickles. The world as we know it will end.

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What we need is another Churchill to stem the evil tide :-


" .....And if Johnny Terrorist attempts to muck around with our chippies, let him be assured that we Brits will stand shoulder to shoulder. We will fight him at the doorway, we shall fight him round the deep fryer, we will confront him near the vinegar. We will probably never surrender----unless we are contravening his Human Rights, of course.


I have nothing to offer the Chippies except Blood, Sweat & Tears......and that 's only from the hooligans who come in when the pubs chuck out. The lights are going out all over the Middle East......but our chippies will carry the torch of Democracy. Four cod and chips please and a pie. "

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thankgod you dont live here anymore.


No need to worry (at least about me), I'm no terrorist.

However there are terrorists about and that would be a simple but very effective target.

I expected the IRA to do it years ago.

Staples corner ring any bells?

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We spent around 3.5 billion on 'Terrorism' last year alone, how many people died in the UK from terrorists last year? ...


Now Im almost certain the police have stopped a number of incidents in that time but lets put this in perspective.


We spent 1.9 Billion on the NHS 'Accident and Emergency' service in the same time period.

We spent only 2.1 Billion on the department of energy and climate change!


We need to get our priorities straight, i'm sick of terrorism being painted as this enormousness threat we all perceive it to be.


If you spent half that on something like road safety you would save far more life's.


Rant over :)

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When are they going to release a film like Four Lions which satirises those that live under the bedsheets with knees knocking.
It was very popular with young Muslims too, but they were probably looking at situation portrayed from a different perspective to the xenophobes?
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