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Where do I stand with a trip to Scotland?

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Hi people,

How do I stand with this one?


For years I've been going to scotland with a youth centre I worked voluntry at but after a disagreement with the new manager I stopped working there. I then recieved a call saying that the old manager was organising a final trip and that I could go if I could make my own way with my mate.


Then it seemed that as soon as the new manager and/or the company found out I would be going they decided to say I couldn't go as I was no longer a volunteer. So me and my mate both filled in the paper work to become tempory volunteers.


We was then about 1month before we were due to leave told another volunteer and us couldn't go because we hadn't had a recent CRB check. Even though I was told it could take 3month to arrive me and my mate sent off the forms. My mate was also told that he shouldn't really be going because he is 19 but I could because I'm 24 and disabled.


The group left on Saturday morning and we were told if our CRB checks arrive we can drive up midweek. My CRB arrived on the same datebut I only got it on Sunday but my mates and the other volunteers didn't. We have now decided that we would like to go to Scotland still but as we can't stay with them in the lodges we will be making our own way and either staying in the car for 1 night or getting a room at Premier Inn as I have a mate who is a manager so can get me a discount.


But me and my mate recieved calls saying we can't do this and it wouldn't be safe :S My mate also got a text saying "Hi *name*, *name* and *name* have been told they can't go under any circumstances"


So my question is... If we are making our own way, sorting out own sleeping arrangement nowhere near the group, sorting our own food and ski tickets can they stop us from going?


Sorry for the long post and that I'm not good with words, hope you understand it all

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How could they stop us going to a public ski resort though? are there any laws or rules that could allow them to go to the ski slope and ask for us to be removed?


Of course they couldn't stop you going to a public place. But they'd probably try to stop you talking to the group - whether they'd be able to legally prevent you from doing that, I don't know.


It would, however, probably cause a lot of upset for the people on the trip, is it worth risking that?

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Regardless of your genuine intentions and honesty, imagine what the report in the papers is going to look like. Two people barred from working with the youth group have taken themselves along "on a private holiday" in order to get near the children without the consent of the parents or youth-group leaders...



I don't know if you could actually get in official, legal trouble over this. Given the level of paranoia nowadays over anything to do with children's safety, I can imagine you having serious problems in living it down. I honestly can't advise you to go through with this; it's far too likely to cause you grief. Particularly so if the youth group leadership "has it in" for you, which is probably the case if there was no good reason for blocking your participation to begin with.

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