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Perfect Toast


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"Toast! A little bit of toast!" as Paul Young sang back in the days before he was famous.


Hmmm. Loverly warm toast.


However, just like in the song there is so many options when making toast.

which sort of bread is best? Should it be really fresh? Butter or marge? Hot or cold?

What do you put on it?


I think everyone thinks they make the best toast; so fellow forumers I put it to you : what's your recipe for the perfect toast?



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I like my toast well done, but not burnt and left to cool on a toast rack (or my fave way, stacking it into a pyramid :P) then spreading cold butter (not marge!) over it


making it the wilf way you may as well butter some bread and stick it in the microwave :loopy:

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Toast? well done?




It's just not right, it getss tuck on your teeth, like crisps do.


you want it to be flexible, not able to snap, otherwise you get crumbs everywhere.


What is everyone's favoutire topping?


I'm a tradiionalist: butter, or butter and jam.



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Mid brown. So it is cooked, not too light so it is still like warm bread and not dark brown and crispy so loadsa crumbs don't come off. Buttered straight away so that it fold easy and the butter melts.


Our headmaster at school has arranged for toast for the staff at break on a Friday morning and it is nice, but you have to get there early to get the right done bits.

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