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Arbourthorne estate

the blues

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I have lived on the Arbourthorn all my life (68) years until just before Christmas when I moved into a bungalow further South near Crystal Peaks. I bought up 2 children on my own and never had any trouble. But things started to get worse in the last 5 years and indeed back in 2001 I was burglared. They had been watching as my hubby and me used to leave the house at the same time every morning and by the time my friend took her dog for a walk and she noticed door opened and other signs of forced entry the place was ransacked ., We also had 3 cars pinched and set on fire. I had some lovely neighbours and loved the house Finnegan built we were in phase 3 for demolition. It is like any other council estate . as has been already stated some good and some bad you will get that all over the world.

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I didn't say everyone that lives there is bad. Would you recommend the area then? (a genuine question - not sarcastic)


I dont want this to be an argument or anything, because it'll get this thread pulled. But, given a choice would you live on the Arbourthorne estate rather than somewhere else in Sheffield.


i live on arbourthorne have done for 6 years moved here from ecclesfield and glad i did i love it ;)

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I lived on there for about 2 and a half years and never had any problems except for when my tyres got slashed. It wasn't personal, some idiot did near enough all the cars on my road and the surrounding roads. This was about 10 years ago. Never had any noisy neighbours, car thefts, burglaries, decapitated rabbits or anything similar. My neighbours were lovely too. Would do anything for ya.

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:nono:Dont do it, I have just escaped after a couple of years in this hell hole, loadsa smack heads, loadsa drunks, loadsa aggro, loadsa theft.


As for the school, I urge you to walk an imaginary dog, so if they start bullying you (the parents) you can whip em with said dogs lead!


Alot of parents have had to leave the primary school due to parental bullying and its not uncommon to see children being delivered to parents at the gates as the parents are banned from entering.


My favorite memory of that school was the day I saw a young woman picking her chav up with 3 quarter trousers on showing off her.... No no, not her tattoo, her electronic tag... Me n the fella still laugh at that one.


Good luck, il pray..:D

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It's a tricky one. People who live in poor area's generally don't like admitting it, and find it difficult to say bad things about the area.


There will be honest posts where people have lived here for 20 years without a single negative event, but there will also be those who have had their live made a misery.


Usually, these decisions boil down to financial position, time constraints etc. If it's council housing it's not as much an issue, because the same issues effect all such estates, given some worse then others. But if your looking at buying it be ones far harder, as you will be committed to mortgages etc, and selling houses on, for profit is something that isn't the easiest thing to do right now.


It's a legal requirement that the seller must tell potential buyers of any issues with neighbours now, so make sure you ask if you are buying.

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It's a tricky one. People who live in poor area's generally don't like admitting it, and find it difficult to say bad things about the area..


And people who haven't lived there find it just as easy to slag it off without any proper insight into the place.

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Mines proper.. amongst many many more things, I looked out one day to see what all the row was about, I was indoors so knew it couldnt be me, and there on the garden was a half naked man taking a beating by 2 baseball bat weilding men, hed been robbing from an old fella, not uncommon.


I was cryin before id even moved in, so maybe expecting the worst drew it to me but..... i dont think so, I think its got some kind of derangedness about it, im scared of it..

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