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Cornish pasties can only be so called if they are made in Cornwall

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I think it works if there is an industry to protect and an area has a long history of producing something, like Parma ham or Feta cheese . It doesn't work when generic ingredients are put together to make something; put together eggs, milk and flour to make a Yorkshire Pudding anywhere in the world, it will still be a Yorkshire Pudding.

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Just seen this on the wright stuff. Someone in a court in Brussels has spent time, money and effort to pass this crap.


Whats your opinion on this.


No doubt the case was brought by genuine Cornish Pasty makers fed up of their product being made by all and sundry using completely different recipes and ingredients. Sounds good if it will protect local industries, I just wonder what other pasties will now be called.


"Cornish style" or "Traditional Farmhouse" sort of stuff.

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I can see what your saying taxman - but surely the "genuine" cornish pasty industry thrives on tourism, rather than what it ships else. Im sure one of the USP's of genuine cornish pasties is Freshly Hand Made (im sure words of this nature adorne nearly every cornish pasty outlet in cornwall). Surely that USP is lost once it has been mass prodced packaged and shipped halfway round the world. The market for genuine cornish pasties will always be there regardless!

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