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Was Broomhall ever a "good" area

Mel's Mum

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Yep - take a walk through Firth Park and you'll see some beautiful Victorian properties that at one time must have been highly desireable, but now are little more than doss houses.


I blame decades of well meaning but hopelessly misguided socialist councils (you know the kind - capitalism bad, property bad), seeking to rehouse the poorest elements of society into the more affluent areas - the trouble is, it doesnt raise the standards of living of those moved to these areas, it just creates ghetto's which spread across the city.

The trouble with your post is that it is too near the truth for the comfort of the lefty do-gooders you only have to add one more major element as to why big houses became popular for other reasons in Broomhall, Harcourt Road and other certain areas and the puzzle is complete.

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What a load of tosh. The affluent simply move to more desirable and fashionable areas. IN the case of Sheffield they have simply kept pace with the expansion of the city. The poorer elements moved to areas like Firth Park because that's where the space was. The same thing happens in every city in the world!!


Affluent areas don't just suddenly become undesireable though, do they? Is it any conicidence that many of these poorer areas (Broomhall, Firth Park etc) were once affluent areas?

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Yep - take a walk through Firth Park and you'll see some beautiful Victorian properties that at one time must have been highly desireable, but now are little more than doss houses.


I blame decades of well meaning but hopelessly misguided socialist councils (you know the kind - capitalism bad, property bad), seeking to rehouse the poorest elements of society into the more affluent areas - the trouble is, it doesnt raise the standards of living of those moved to these areas, it just creates ghetto's which spread across the city.


couldn't agree more i wish i could pick one of these houses up from firth park rd or burngreave rd and carry it to ecclesfield on my back - away from the squalor !

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There is nothing wrong with Broomhall. It is a decent area, I have been living here for the last 21 years and have never had any trouble. It can't be that bad as the Sheffield City Council Chief Exect. lives in this area, also the property prices ares one of the highest in Sheffield in the S10 bit. The only houses with "drunks" and "strumpets"area is where all the 911 projects tenants live and also SOME of the council houses. Which area do you live in that is so perfect and has no "drunks" and "strumpets" living there...


broomhall was in the past a problem area particularly the mid to late seventies when Havelock Square was the name mentioned in relation to drugs and prostetution. muggings in the area were common place with many of the dealers basing themselves at CeeJAys and working girls at almost every street corner. most of the gangs dictating the agenda were black and went unchallenged for many years so much so that decent people moved away just for peaceful life.

it wasn't till the Somali influx that the staus quo was challenged and a turf war between Jamaican and Somali gangs ensued. Although many of the Jamaican lads were involved in criminal activity they werenlt any match for the knife wielding fresh from a war zone Somalis for whom life was cheap. The somali influence grew and with changes put in place by the council to restrict vehicular access to the area the working girls and the drug dens moved elsewhere.

Now we only have an area that has seen propert prices increase at alarming rate and many of the larger properties finding their former glory.


LOwer part of Broomhall still is problem though around exceter Drive. The area was changing quickly and seemed only bad in people's memories who never bothered to venture back since the seventies. Over the past few years years however some of the Somali gangs have taken up drug dealing also but recent arrests of many a dealing scumbags might make a difference for the better yet again.

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Somali youths are prepared to be violent (KNIVES) to have their way in terms of controlling/policing their own neighbourhood but I walk and cycle through there often and have never had a problem.


There's plenty of areas where you'll find the idiot element amongst the "yoofs" tooled up:- black, white, Somali, Pakistani....


and, yeah It doesn't bother me one jot pootling around here or in broomhall.

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couldn't agree more i wish i could pick one of these houses up from firth park rd or burngreave rd and carry it to ecclesfield on my back - away from the squalor !


Well, I live in one of those houses on Firth Park Road, and there's no squalor in sight, thank you!

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