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Better off on benefits?


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When did they do this?


Many people did the maths and decided they were better off on benefits than being in employment.


If you're going to respond to this by saying that actually its the Tory business class not paying people enough that disincentive's working then don't bother :roll:

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Sooner rather than later people will find going to work to br economically unviable.


I reckon anyone that commutes more than say 25 miles (each way) will soon be pooping their pants - I've seen in the papers that petrol may soon be £1.42 a litre. Anyone who uses more than 2 gallons of fuel per day, is going to need a hefty pay rise to get to work.


The only people immune are people who work within about 10 miles from their home

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Many people did the maths and decided they were better off on benefits than being in employment.


If you're going to respond to this by saying that actually its the Tory business class not paying people enough that disincentive's working then don't bother :roll:


It was only because of the labour party the word 'disincentive' recently entered the common English language.


Iain Duncan Smith himself said, we cannot blame people for making a rational decision not to work.


And for that reason, the tories should lay off the unemployed unless they can introduce employment programs where every man can do 84hours (without slacking) if he so wishes at a fair rate, for the sake of argument - £5.93.


Until then they should concentrate their efforts upon improving the lot of the working poor. They have the power to issue money and impose taxes. Let's hope while they are in power they do so in a better way than the previous bunch did.

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We have yet to see what the new "universal credit" will do for people on benefits. The new LHA rules are going to cause big problems when they start in april. People are not going to be happy


LHA: if the dataset of local rents is;




Then maximum LHA is going to be 3. Rather than 5.


HOUSING COSTS MUST FALL (Consider a nice 3 bedroom house can be built for under £30k)

Buy to let, and housing speculation is what got us in the mess we are in today.


Universal credit;


Lose 65p of benefits per £1 earned for first hundred. (£2 an hour net gain)

70p for next £50, and 74p thereafter till your off benefits. (£~£1.50 net gain)


It's not brilliant, but with falling property values maybe the average price of a pint in the pub can fall back below £2.

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