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Has Facebook gone off the boil?


Your Facebook useage  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Your Facebook useage

    • I don't use it any more
    • It's a part of my daily life
    • Not as much as I used to
    • Hardly ever compared to before

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Facebook, like everything else on the net is what you make it. If youre all paranoid about "Them" learning all about you and coming to suck your brains out in the night then you can close it up tighter than a ducks bum-bum so youll be all nice and safe.


If theres too much rubbish on there then get rid of the rubbish or ignore it and post stuff that you find is interesting. Youll eventually find people of a like mind.


Its just a simple social networking site, not a medium for the body snatchers to abduct people and whisk them away to another planet.


sf needs a like button like FB :hihi:



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Facebook, like everything else on the net is what you make it. If youre all paranoid about "Them" learning all about you and coming to suck your brains out in the night then you can close it up tighter than a ducks bum-bum so youll be all nice and safe.


If theres too much rubbish on there then get rid of the rubbish or ignore it and post stuff that you find is interesting. Youll eventually find people of a like mind.


Its just a simple social networking site, not a medium for the body snatchers to abduct people and whisk them away to another planet.


The voice of reason :) Well said.


The scaremongering that goes on with regards to t'internet is just getting ridiculous!


Early last year my sister posted one of the 'forward' status updates about how "Facebook is sharing your phone number with strangers....etc" I commented that it was nonsense, and the only person sharing your phone-number with strangers is 'YOU' as 'YOU' chose to add it to your details on Facebook, then add loads of random strangers as 'friends' so you could get to level 12 on Mafia-Bores or somesuch! What followed was a stream of replies of abuse at me and how stupid I was from some of her friends!?!?! I told them to watch out as the postman knows where they live, and left it at that whilst that ranted amongst themselves.

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I have quite a few pics of my kids on there, as I am bloody proud of them. My settings are set that only friends and family can view any of my stuff - strangers see the default blank profile. I don't add people to my friends list who I don't know, as I don't play those stupid games that insist you add loads of people to complete a stage.


So, on that basis, what exactly do I have to rethink about letting my family and friends see what my kids have been up to?


Actually they are now on the internet and you can't take them off. You don't have to care that people can get hold of photos of your kids but you no longer control those photos facebook does.

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The voice of reason :) Well said.


The scaremongering that goes on with regards to t'internet is just getting ridiculous!


Early last year my sister posted one of the 'forward' status updates about how "Facebook is sharing your phone number with strangers....etc" I commented that it was nonsense, and the only person sharing your phone-number with strangers is 'YOU' as 'YOU' chose to add it to your details on Facebook, then add loads of random strangers as 'friends' so you could get to level 12 on Mafia-Bores or somesuch! What followed was a stream of replies of abuse at me and how stupid I was from some of her friends!?!?! I told them to watch out as the postman knows where they live, and left it at that whilst that ranted amongst themselves.


Ok there is being paranoid that I am verging on and there is being naive. Companys sell your data all the time.

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Ok there is being paranoid that I am verging on and there is being naive. Companys sell your data all the time.


How can they sell on my phone-number when I have never given them it? That is the point I was making. The only person who is responsible for your info being shared is 'YOU' - 'YOU' chose what details about 'YOU' to add to Facebook. If 'YOU' never told them your location/phone number/likes/email address, then Facebook can never share it with anyone.



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Actually they are now on the internet and you can't take them off. You don't have to care that people can get hold of photos of your kids but you no longer control those photos facebook does.


And at the same time, when school photos are done each year, you do not have the rights to the photos - that is held by whichever photographers took them. That means they own pics of your kids...but no-one panics about that do they?


What does it matter to me that Facebook have pics of my kids on their servers. I know which pics I shared, and I chose to upload them there to show off my family to people.


For a while my profile pic on here was of my daughter - a right Daddy's girl. Just think how many folk in Sheffield will have seen that, eh?



Perhaps I should shroud my kids from head to toe when going out in public too, so that random people don't see them?


Pure paranoia.

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And at the same time, when school photos are done each year, you do not have the rights to the photos - that is held by whichever photographers took them. That means they own pics of your kids...but no-one panics about that do they?


What does it matter to me that Facebook have pics of my kids on their servers. I know which pics I shared, and I chose to upload them there to show off my family to people.


For a while my profile pic on here was of my daughter - a right Daddy's girl. Just think how many folk in Sheffield will have seen that, eh?


As I said if you don't care thats a different issue! People that don't want photos of their kids available to the kind of people that would try and get them should not put them on the internet.


I think we can all agree that your comparison is nonsense. Facebook is on the internet so the whole world can access your photos relatively easily. A school will hopefully not legally be allowed to put loads of photos of children on the internet!

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How can they sell on my phone-number when I have never given them it? That is the point I was making. The only person who is responsible for your info being shared is 'YOU' - 'YOU' chose what details about 'YOU' to add to Facebook. If 'YOU' never told them your location/phone number/likes/email address, then Facebook can never share it with anyone.




you said her status was nonsense. You are not selling your information you are putting it on facebook. If they decide to sell it they are selling it not you, so how is it nonsense?

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As I said if you don't care thats a different issue! People that don't want photos of their kids available to the kind of people that would try and get them should not put them on the internet.


But the fact is, the whole "They are out to get them" scaremongering is just gutter press fuelled nonsense. There is more chance of your kids being 'gotten' by someone who lurks near schoolgates than from t'interweb - but we still take our kids to school. Yes, there are occasional stores about stalkers online, but there are much more reports about stalkers in the real world, using real world methods to track people.


I really do feel sorry for people who are so scared about the bogeyman online that they feel they cannot be themselves on a social-network site.

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you said her status was nonsense. You are not selling your information you are putting it on facebook. If they decide to sell it they are selling it not you, so how is it nonsense?


Sorry, you seem to not quite get what i am saying...


I have not ever added my phone number to facebook.


Therefore the phone number is not available to them.


Thus they cannot sell it on.



Therefore the only way they can ever sell it on would be if I provided it for them to use.


Thus the only person responsible for phone numbers being shared on Facebook (or indeed any other network site) is the person who set up the profile...ie. Me and you.


Hence my assertion that 'YOU' are the only person responsible for anything 'YOU' share on facebook, as 'YOU' chose to add it to your details.


The status update in question was that your phone number was shared with everyone who sees your profile....whose fault is that? Facebooks for allowing it to share, or you for adding the phone number in the first place, and then opening your profile up for everyone to see?


Same what that if I was to write my name, address and phone number out and stick it in a shop window, the shop would not be to blame when I get mysterious phone calls would it? Or, if I gave out my phone number on here, SF would not be responsible for people seeing it would they?

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