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Which type of insurance to choose?


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There are sooo many types of life insurance to chose from. Based on your experiences what product would you recommend/not recommend?


I'm looking at over 50 cover with no mortgage and possibly critical illness.


I don't want to spend time being "sold" products by advisors, that I really don't need.:roll:


Do any of you have any thoughts?

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Who are your dependents? Who is going to be in financial difficulty if you should meet an untimely end?


If the answer is "nobody," then you are probably best off not having any life insurance at all. If you are married and still have an outstanding mortage you should insure that to be paid upon your death.


If you still have dependents, you need life insurance cover for however long they are likely to remain your dependents, in case the worst happens. Beyond that, my original comment stands.

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