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Tony Blair. Envoy to Middle East.

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After stepping down as Prime Minister and declaring his intention of not standing for election as an M.P. he was appointed as an envoy to try and bring peace to the Middle East.

I have not heard anything about his views on the present situation or reports of his involvement in peace making.

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Didn't an Israeli University bribe award him a million dollars or something? Yes, they did:




Mind you, he did send British troops to fight Israel's enemies in the Middle East. So you could say he's been an excellent investment from an Israeli point of view, but useless from the Palestinians point of view.



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After stepping down as Prime Minister and declaring his intention of not standing for election as an M.P. he was appointed as an envoy to try and bring peace to the Middle East.

I have not heard anything about his views on the present situation or reports of his involvement in peace making.


I thought he was auditioning for 'Tool Academy'?

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Yes his silence during the current situations in Libya, Egypt and Bahrain speak volumes, just as it did during operation Cast Lead when Israel murdered 1300 Palestinians in the space of 23 days in 2009.


If he is being paid an obscene amount of money to broker peace, then it would appear that he isn't doing a very good job of it. If he was a football manager he would have been sacked a long time ago.

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